WWE NXT Review – September 26, 2023

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Review – September 26, 2023

Finals Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational 
Block A Winner Butch vs. Block B Winner Joe Coffey

Butch & Joe Coffey lock up to start this match off then Butch pushed into the ropes before he ducks a shot and decks Coffey before they are back into a lock up then they break and circle before grappling. Butch gets control of Coffey and takes him down then he is working the shoulder.

Butch up with a stomp to the shoulder then they’re back up then Coffey works Butch’s shoulder and puts him on the mat to wrench on his face and lock in an elbow lock. Butch back up and backs Coffey into the ropes Coffey nails him and hits a snapmare takedown.

Back up Coffey shot into the ropes Coffey runs through a clothesline and runs Butch over then he brings Butch up before Butch connects with a shot to the head and a single arm DDT followed by a knee drop to the shoulder.

Stomp to the arm and Coffey is set in the corner Butch up top for a stomp to the shoulder and a shoulder lock but Mark Coffey distracts the ref and Wolfgang gets a cheap shot on Butch. Coffey up top for a leap but Butch nails him and gets a two count.

Coffey goes to the outside for a breather but Butch goes up top and hits a moonsault onto Gallus then back in the ring German by Butch then some stomp on the head and a kick to the head. Gallus try to enter and the ref ejects them from the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Coffey grabs Butch on the apron from the ring but Butch snaps his arm against the ropes and then lays in the forearms as Butch stares at Noam Dar then snaps Coffey’s wrist again but Coffey with a big kick to the head. Coffey grabs Butch for a powerbomb on the apron but Butch blocks it and hits a DDT on the apron.

Butch back in now and nails Coffey but Coffey fires back then Coffey pushes Butch up for an uppercut and hits a crossbody off the top rope then he goes for a German suplex but his hand gives out. He tries again and hits the release German.

Coffey lies in wait as Butch gets to his feet then Coffey with Glasgow Sendoff as he comes off the ropes he runs into a kick then gets dropkicked before he hits All The Best For The Bells.

Both men down and slow to get up as Coffey crawls to the cover but Butch grabs his arm and works the digits. Coffey escapes and hits a powerbomb then charges for another Glasgow Sendoff then off the ropes with All The Best For The Bells.

Coffey throws Butch to the outside, goes out and tries for Glasgow Sendoff again but Butch moves and Coffey hits the steps then back in the ring Butch hits Bitter End for the win.

Winner Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational: Butch (12:42)

Backstage McKenzie Mitchell is with North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and he calls his match on Raw an instant classic. He says he’s done with Dragon Lee and has a free Saturday to hang out with Mami on the couch eating chicken tendies. Mitchell says she thought he knew he’d be defending the North American Title against the winner the Triple Threat. He says he doesn’t follow HBK on Twitter so Mitchell shows him the tweet and he leaves angrily.

NXT Tag Team Champions The Family are at their restaurant and Stacks asks the plan. Tony D’Angelo says first they give the food then they decide who’s going to challenge them for No Mercy. Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo come in and get pat down. They sit down and Garza says they appreciate the invite and last time things got out of hand. D’Angelo asks if are gonna do the same. Carrillo says they didn’t come here to fight or eat they came here for 1 thing looking at the NXT Tag Team Titles. Stacks says get a drink and wait for the others to show up.

Trick Williams vs. Joe Gacy

Joe Gacy sends Trick Williams into the ropes then he runs Gacy over. Headlock, Trick shot into the corner but goes up and over, bodyslam and a dropkick.

Whip into the corner reversed by Gacy then Williams catches a boot and puts Gacy in the corner & he hits a big shot.

Into the ropes again but Gacy takes Williams down and then lays in punches to the back of the neck and shoulder then goes into a chinlock.

Williams gets to his feet and breaks the hold but Gacy with a kick to the gut and slam to the mat then Gacy with an elbow drop before Williams dodges and lays in punches to Gacy as he battering him back into the ropes.

Irish whip then a clothesline connects before Gacy gets Williams in the corner then he goes for The Upside Down but Williams counters with a high knee for the win.

Winner: Trick Williams

After the match Kelly Kincaid congratulates Williams on the win & he says it’s good to get that W and he’s ambidextrous because he kicks ass both ways. Kincaid asks Williams about Carmelo Hayes’ match and he says they just had a good match but she wants to talk about another man? He says Ilja Dragunov hits hard and he’d be a fool to bet against him namely HIM Hayes. He says Hayes is going to retain and now that he thinks about it Hayes has his title and it’s time Williams goes to get his.

McKenzie Mitchell is with Blair Davenport and she asks about Gigi Dolan & Davenport’s brawl. She says imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but with Dolan it’s pathetic when she takes people out they don’t get back up. She says Dolan can’t match her vicious behavior and she’ll prove that tonight.

Andre Chase is with Duke Hudson and says he’s worried about Thea Hail. Hudson says he got a thumbs up emoji which is improvement. Jacy Jayne shows up and Chase asks how Thea is. Jayne says Ask her yourself! Hail shows up in leather and Chase U look pissed but Chase says that she looks great. Hail says she needs to get ready for her match tonight. Jayne says wait till you see her ring gear and they head off.

Baron Corbin vs. Josh Briggs

Match starts off with a lock up then Baron Corbin backs Josh Briggs into the corner and hits a couple slaps to the head. Briggs batters Corbin back and sends him over the top rope with a clothesline then comes outside and grabs Corbin to slam his head into the apron.

Irish whip into the guardrail then Corbin is roll into the ring as Briggs is on the apron and comes off the ropes with a big boot.

Briggs grabs Corbin but Corbin kicks him in the head and then hits a uranage for a two count then Corbin batters Briggs against the ropes and whips him into the corner as he charges in for an avalanche but Briggs battles back follow by a sidewalk slam and a splash for a two count.

Briggs & Corbin trade shots then Briggs with elbow strikes and a big boot to send Corbin into the corner. Briggs goes in but Corbin pulls the ref in the way and hits Briggs before End Of Days gets the victory.

Winner: Baron Corbin

After the match Corbin gets a mic and says this Saturday we find out if Bron Breakker is all bark or bites. He’s burned his past and is looking to his future and Breakker just saw his EOD.

Breakker comes out to the ring with a mic! He says look and decks Corbin then officials are in quickly to break it up but they manage to keep getting to each other until finally they get separated.

Trick Williams walks up to Shawn Michaels’ office and knocks walking in after being told to come on in.

We get a video package previewing the Women’s Title Extreme Rules Match No Mercy & we get Tiffany Stratton saying she is going to be a better Women’s Champion than all the others including Becky Lynch who hadn’t been Women’s Champion yet. We get Becky Lynch’s challenge to Stratton and highlights from that match including Lynch’s win then Lynch’s promo last week and Stratton’s response, which led into the main event Tag Team match and Stratton attacking Lynch then Lynch calls it an Extreme Rules match.

Dinner Table Qualifying Match 
Over The Mud (Lucien Price & Bronco Nima) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger 

Bronco Nima & Tank Ledger starts this match off and Ledger takes over before Hank Walker tags in and they take Nima down then they hit a double headbutt. Walker puts Nima in the corner and splashes him Ledger tags in with a Drive By Spear in the corner and a splash for a two count.

Nima hits a cheap shot on Ledger and then puts him against the middle rope for a bouncing rope choke then Lucien Price tags in and hits a clothesline in the corner then Nima tags in and Tank manages to roll him up for a two count then tags in Walker & he hits mounted punches.

He takes out Price and then picks up Nima for Snake Eyes then a charging boot before Ledger tags in & he picks up Nima but Scrypts distracts the ref Price with a cheap shot and then they hit a Suplex/Powerbomb combo for the win.

Winners & Gets A Seat At The D’Angelo Family’s Dinner Table: Over The Mud

Gigi Dolin is prepping backstage when the lights go out. Blair Davenport attacks Dolan and says she’s pathetic then walks away.

The Family & Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo are waiting and Stacks asks about their new tats. Garza says it’s a reminder of their grandfather as a message to them. Garza says the message includes taking the NXT Tag Team Titles. Creed Brothers come in and Brutus Creed says he’s starving. Julius Creed says they also came here to discuss business and Stacks says nothing’s been settled yet.

Brutus asks if this is the place where people had their last supper and had food poisoning but D’Angelo says that’s the place up the street. Stacks says OTM is OTW. D’Angelo says G O O D.

Tyler Bate & Axiom are talking about their match tonight and Trick Williams walks in and says he wanted to let them know that tonight’s Triple Threat is now a Fatal 4 Way.

Strap Match
Eddy Thorpe vs. Dijak

Dijak immediately goes outside and tries to pull Eddy Thorpe into the turnbuckle but Thorpe pulls Dijak into the ring post and dives on him. He rolls Dijak in then Dijak with a cheap shot but Thorpe is back in and batters Dijak. He charges in but is got with a boot Dijak goes up but gets pull into a kick.

Thorpe with a waistlock before Dijak hits a couple back elbows. Thorpe locks it back in and Dijak batters him some more then goes to swing with the strap but Thorpe with a front dropkick to send Dijak down in the corner. Thorpe charges with a boot but Dijak dodges and whips Thorpe then sends him into the ropes and sends him through to the outside as we go to break.

After the break Dijak has Thorpe in a strap based chinlock but Thorpe fights out of it and hits a superkick then they end up going to the outside and Dijak drops slams Thorpe onto the apron.

He slams Thorpe into the guardrail in front of his family and ties him up then whips him with the strap. He talks shit to Thorpe’s family and then whips him some more before we get more trash talking then he rolls Thorpe into the ring and follows in.

Dijak takes off his white belt and wraps it around his fist then he swings but Thorpe ducks and hits a big kick to the head in the corner. Thorpe whips Dijak then multiple repeated smacks to the back then he blocks Dijak from going for the belt and whips him.

He grabs the belt and nails Dijak with it then goes to the 2nd rope & hits elbow drop to put away Dijak.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

After the match Dijak attacks Thorpe and knocks him down then puts him on the top rope and hits a superkick. Thorpe stuck over the ropes ring in the tree of woe then Dijak ties his legs up and goes to the outside to talk trash before smacking Thorpe with the belt repeatedly before officials eventually back him off.

Jacy Jayne is waiting outside Thea Hail’s locker room and asks how the new gear’s looking. Hail says she’s almost ready and Jayne is excited.

Blair Davenport appears at the commentary booth & she mocks Gigi Dolan and says next time it’ll be far worse before walking off.

Thea Hail vs. Dani Palmer

Match starts off with a lock up then Dani Palmer gets put on the mat and Thea Hail goes for a leg submission but gets flip over then Palmer with a headlock but Hail reverses and hip tosses Palmer down before hitting a double knee to the shoulder.

Some counter wrestling then Palmer hits a hurricanrana then sends Hail into the ropes and hits an acrobatic takedown into an armbar but Palmer rolls it onto a one count then Hail with a kick in the corner and an exploder suplex for a two count.

Hail works the arm but Palmer with a shot follow by a clothesline and a dropkick then she hits a flip kick in the corner and goes up top rope & goes for a spinning senton but Hail moves and locks in Kimura Lock for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Thea Hail

We go over to the locker room we see NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes is looking at his phone when Trick Williams walks in and says he’s in the bag right now and he’s going to show the rest of the world but he notices that Hayes is distracted. Hayes talks up Williams and then goes back to his phone. Williams asks if he’s paying attention and he says he has a lot going on. Williams says go ahead and handle it, he has his own business to handle.

Baron Corbin is walking out and is asked about Bron Breakker & he says he doesn’t have time for their stupid questions and Saturday, Breakker is getting his ass kicked then Breakker attacks and officials break it up.

North American Title #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Match
Axiom vs. Tyler Bate vs. Dragon Lee vs. Trick Williams

Axiom & Tyler Bate with a double superkick to Trick Williams to get this match started then Dragon Lee & Bate end up in the ring & they go into the ropes and Bate dives over onto Williams then Axiom & Lee do some acrobatics.

Axiom off the 2nd rope with an armdrag and then hits a dropkick then he goes out to the apron and tries to dive onto Bate but he ducks so Williams gets taken out. Dragon Lee dives from the ring into all 3 men.

Lee rolls Williams in and goes for a driver but Williams counters into a Boston Crab as Bate locks in an armbar as well and Axiom jumps on Williams’ back for a sleeper before Bate finally breaks his and takes out Axiom.

He grabs Lee but Lee with a shot to the head and another into the ropes and Bate with a dropkick. Williams kicks Bate in the head and takes out Axiom then he comes off the ropes and clotheslines Lee. Bate & Axiom come at him and get hit with double lift drops as we go to a break.

After the break Lee counters a powerbomb into a pin for a two count then Lee with a half & half German suplex and a kick to Williams’ gut. He goes up top for a rana that takes both Bate & Williams down then some quick combo leads into Bate getting hit with a DDT and Williams getting clotheslined but Lee is in and takes out Axiom.

Dropkicks to both Axiom & Williams in the corner as Bate goes for his bounce off the ropes but Lee counters into a powerbomb and pin but Williams & Axiom break it up with kicks to the head.

Williams tosses Lee and hits a shot to Axiom’s gut as he leaps off the top then a bodyslam to Bate, he grabs Bate and then Lee & hits a double uranage for a two count. Williams grabs Bate and lays into him before a suplex gets countered into a DDT by Bate.

Bate grabs Lee and does the Big Strong Boy spin then Axiom comes in and gets knock down before Bate spins them both before Williams sends Bate into the ropes but he bounces out and takes him down then goes for the cover but Axiom breaks it up and hits a Canadian Driver on Lee.

Axiom kicks at Bate but gets caught and taken down. Williams with an upper kick to Bate some quick moves in succession and Lee superkicks Axiom then he goes up top but Bate with an enzuigiri. He goes up but Axiom stops him and knocks him to the apron.

Spanish fly by Axiom then goes for a cover but it gets a 2 count then Lee is up and they stare at each other then Lee hits Destino goes for the pin but Williams breaks it up and gets headbutted in the head as he knocks Bate off the apron then he falls on Axiom and gets the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The North American Title: Trick Williams

Back at the restaurant and everyone is eating until OTM show up. Stacks says they impressed them by beating Hank Walker & Tank Ledger and have earned a seat at the table. They say they’ll get a booster seat for Scrypts. Scrypts says he’s got cheese for the rats.

Humberto Carrillo asks which team it’ll be at No Mercy and Creed Brothers say they can’t remember when the last time they won a match. There’s some shit talking back & forth and Scrypts says that The Family must want a cake walk if they don’t say OTM. Price says they’ll give them the NXT Tag Team Title shot or things will get dirty. D’Angelo snaps his fingers and some heavies show up.

Stacks says everyone made good cases and D’Angelo says they don’t want anyone saying they took it easy so everyone’s getting the NXT Tag Team Title shot. Stacks says they procured their favorite beverages to make it official. D’Angelo says to the Fatal 4 Way then they drink.

Backstage McKenzie Mitchell asks Dominik Mysterio about Trick Williams being his opponent and he says Big deal. He’s not impressed and he’s gonna whip that Williams. Mysterio says HBK needs to realize he doesn’t run NXT Mysterio does. He’s going to destroy Williams just like he destroyed Dragon Lee. Lee attacks him and gets pull away.

Carmelo Hayes is walking backstage and Trick Williams walks up & Hayes says he’s proud of Williams and says they’re both walking out champions.

A TV turns on to reveal WCW Saturday Night and an old Bengals video.

NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes gets the mic and says he & Ilja Dragunov both know that there’s nothing for them to talk about so let’s sign the contract and see each other on Saturday. Dragunov says he’s always the wrong person at the wrong time and he’s convinced Hayes is the wrong man for the NXT Title.

Hayes says wrong person, wrong time just like Dragunov at The Great American Bash. He didn’t mean for last week to happen but at No Mercy he can and will beat him. Dragunov says he can see Hayes struggles outside of his comfort zone and at No Mercy he’ll feel unbearable pain. Hayes says he struggled but only for a minute. Unbearable pain is Dragunov believing his own hype and thinking he beat Hayes at The Great American Bash when he didn’t.

Dragunov says these people know he won and he will fulfill his destiny. He asks Hayes what you do when you through everything you have at him and he won’t stay down what do you do when you shoot your best shot and you miss? Did Hayes prepare himself to answer these questions? Hayes says the reality is, being NXT Champion isn’t about how much pain you can endure how many veins you can pop out of your head. It’s about being undeniable and being HIM. He’s not like these people he’s beaten before. He’s not Oro Mensah he’s not Wes Lee and he’s not Williams. Hayes changes tactics and keeps talking but Dragunov stands and signs the contract. He slaps it down in front of Hayes and says he will do nothing because he can do nothing. Dragunov is finished letting destiny slip between his fingers and when he gets crowned the new NXT Champion Hayes will realize his dynasty has fallen. Long live the Czar.

Hayes  signs the contract and gets in Dragunov’s face. He says now that he signed it he wants Dragunov to understand the NXT Title is bigger than them. It’s a beacon of hope for kids who look like him. He absolutely thinks Dragunov can carry the NXT Title and do it with dignity but better than him? Absolutely not.

Vic Joseph announced at the end that Dragon Lee will be the special guest referee for the North American Title match.

Out to the parking lot where Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin are fighting. Breakker throws Corbin into a car, denting it and then beats on him. Corbin gets in the car and Breakker grabs him but gets pull out. Breakker charges but Corbin dodges and Breakker hits the door. Corbin beats on Breakker as officials keep trying to break it up. Breakker counters a slam into the rolling door and slams Corbin then puts Corbin on the car. He picks Corbin up and gets low blow. Corbin grabs Breakker and slams him onto the car roof. Breakker sits up and jumps on Corbin’s back but gets slam into the hood. They keep fighting and end up in the building and get speared through the wall into Shawn Michaels’ office before officials finally break it up to close out this week’s NXT.

No Mercy Card (Sept 30th)

Heritage Cup Title Match
Noam Dar (c) vs. Butch

North American Title Match
Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Trick Williams

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov

Bron Breakker vs. Baron Corbin

Women’s Title Extreme Rules Match
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Tiffany Stratton

NXT Tag Team Titles Fatal 4 Way Match
The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Stacks) (c) vs. Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus) vs. Over The Mud (Bronco Nima & Lucien Price) vs. Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo