WWE NXT Review – September 12, 2023

WWE NXT Review – September 12, 2023

Kicking off this week’s NXT with a recap of Bron Breakker attacking Von Wagner after their No DQ Match last week.

Becky Lynch was shown in the parking lot heading into the Performance Center.

NXT Title #1 Contenders Match
Ilja Dragunov vs. Wes Lee

Match starts off with some feeling out process before Wes Lee hits a pair of dives to Ilja Dragunov on the outside. Dragunov retaliates with a German suplex on the floor that sends Lee back first onto the top of the announcers’ desk as we go to a break.

After the break Dragunov is in control and pounding away on Lee in the corner but Lee fires up and we get an extended exchange of forearm strikes in the middle of the ring which Dragunov gets the better of. Lee responds with a series of kicks and a double stomp and both men are down.

Lee chops away at Dragunov in the corner but Dragunov blocks a chop attempt and returns fire. Dragunov charges right into a Spanish Fly and that gets a two count for Lee.

Dragunov hammers away with elbows but can’t hit a German suplex then Lee tries a handstand headscissor takedown but Dragunov just kicks him in the gut to block it and delivers a lariat for another near fall.

Dragunov grabs a waistlock but Lee elbows out of it then he goes for Kardiak Kick but gets caught by Dragunov & he spins with Lee on his shoulder only for Lee to reverse that into a tornado DDT. Dragunov rolls out to the floor.

Lee follows him out with a dive over the corner post then he rolls Dragunov back into the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Dragunov recovers and climbs up to meet him.

Dragunov brings Lee in with a superplex from the top turnbuckle and lands H Bomb then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.

Dragunov sets up for Torpedo Moscow but Lee meets him with a knee then Dragunov hits another H Bomb to put Lee away.

Winner & #1 Contender To The NXT Title: Ilja Dragunov (Recommend)

After the match NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes makes his entrance & he stands in the entrance aisle and jaws back & forth with Dragunov in the ring.

We got footage of Tiffany Stratton arriving at the arena earlier today.

We get a video package recapping the aftermath of last week’s main event between Bron Breakker & Von Wagner where Breakker appeared to squash Wagner’s head with the steel steps. We see footage of all the people and commotion around ringside including Shawn Michaels running out and urging Breakker to leave. We see medical personnel putting Wagner on a stretcher and taking him out of the arena and into an ambulance.

Vic Joseph says he’s never seen anything like that before. Joseph says Wagner was diagnosed with a minor skull fracture and there’s no timetable for his return.

We see Baron Corbin walking backstage.

Baron Corbin gets the microphone and says normally he doesn’t like the fans and they don’t like that. He says tonight is different. He says he was sitting ringside and saw something so vicious the TV truck had to cut the feed to black. He says Breakker crushed Wagner’s skull with the steel stairs. Corbin admits he doesn’t like him but says that Wagner’s journey is real and Wagner will never be the same again. Corbin says he knows Breakker is backstage and he calls him out. Breakker’s music hits and here he comes.

Breakker makes it out on stage and Corbin says that’s far enough. Corbin says what Breakker did last week is hard for him to put into words. Corbin breaks into a smile and says it was freaking awesome! Breakker joins him in the ring and he and Corbin have a good laugh at Wagner’s expense. Breakker gets serious and says he didn’t do what he did last week to win Corbin’s approval he did it to end Wagner’s career. Breakker says he didn’t just like the feeling. He loved it.

Corbin says he appreciates the fact that Breakker was willing to get his hands dirty. Corbin says he was trying to be nice and was going to offer to pay Breakker’s fine but now he’s having second thoughts. Corbin reminds us about ending Kurt Angle’s career at WrestleMania 35 and beating Gable Steveson just weeks ago as well as facing The Undertaker & Roman Reigns. Corbin says Breakker should want his respect. Breakker says he doesn’t need it or want it and challengers Corbin to a match at No Mercy. He tells Corbin to call his family and friends because he’s going to leave No Mercy the same way Wagner left the arena last week.

Corbin says Breakker has a lot to learn and slaps him in the face. Breakker slaps him back. They slap each other in the face some more until security rushes the ring to pull them apart.

We go backstage to find Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs & Myles Borne warming up for their match.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Josh Briggs, Brooks Jansen & Myles Borne vs. Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp

Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen quickly take control of the match leaving Jensen in the ring to beat up on Damon Kemp but he escapes & tags in Drew Gulak & he grabs a headlock on Jensen and tags in Charlie Dempsey but Jensen overwhelms them.

Myles Borne tags in and hits a jumping neckbreaker on Dempsey then they quickly tag out and we’re back to Kemp & Jensen who hits a running strike on Kemp for a pinfall attempt but it was broken up by Gulak & Dempsey.

Both teams start brawling and spill out to the floor before Borne rams Jensen into the ring post and rolls him back into the ring where Kemp plants Jensen to the mat with a back suplex turn into a neckbreaker for the win.

Winners: Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp

After the match Borne celebrates with Dempsey, Gulak & Kemp.

We head to Chase U where Andre Chase is worried about Thea Hail after last week then he asks Duke Hudson to reach out to her. Hudson discovers that Hail has shut off the location tracking on her phone.

We switch over to Hail & Jacy Jayne & they appear to be in the NXT cafeteria hoping that some boys come over and start hitting on them then a couple of random guys approach them but they start making fun of how young Hail is so Jayne stands up for her and they both lay out these two guys and send them packing.

Hail is dissatisfied with her outfit and says next week they’re going shopping.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Dana Brooke

Match starts off with Lyra Valkyria grabs a waist lock but Dana Brooke escapes only to run into an enziguri from Valkyria then she follows her out with a dropkick but Brooke cuts off Valkyria as she’s trying to get back into the ring.

Valkyria rallies with some kicks and a clothesline then she slams Brooke and delivers more strikes. Brooke escapes a northern lights suplex attempt and whips Valkyria into the corner.

Brooke tries to follow her in but Valkyria moves then Valkyria goes up to the top rope and hits a frog splash for the win.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria

After the match Valkyria tries to be a good sport and extends her hand. Brooke shakes it when Valkyria turns her back to leave Brooke tries to attack her but Kelani Jordan stops her.

We get an announcement that the Women’s Breakout Tournament is coming soon.

Backstage for an interview with Eddy Thorpe & he’s still upset at Dijak then Dijak appears on a backstage monitor and we see him outside somewhere with a strap and he starts whipping a tree trunk & back to Thorpe who decides this interview is over.

We check in backstage where North American Champion Dominik Mysterio bumps into NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. Mysterio says Hayes can’t beat Dragunov but Hayes accuses Mysterio of ducking Dragon Lee. Mysterio says his North American Title is now the A Championship. Hayes challenges him to a match next week. Mysterio walks away seemingly non committal about that idea.

We get a backstage interview with Becky Lynch & she says her time in NXT was all about surviving but now she’s back ready to walk out as Women’s Champion. Kiana James interrupts and says she doesn’t want Lynch there and Lynch is lucky it’s not her against Lynch tonight or she’d beat her up. Lynch says she plans to be around NXT a whole lot more.

Block A Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational 
Tyler Bate (0) vs. Axiom (1)

Match starts off with some mat work then Axiom gets a side headlock. Bate escapes and appears to be a step ahead of Axiom before Bate knocks Axiom out of the ring with a European uppercut. Axiom comes right back in and he’s fired up now.

He knocks Bate out of the ring then goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault to Bate on the floor then Axiom rolls Bate into the ring and goes back to the top turnbuckle for a diving crossbody for a 2 count.

Bate powers out with a fireman’s carry into an airplane spin & Axiom rolls out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Axiom slams Bate down from the top turnbuckle then Bate catches Axiom charging in and slams him down. He follows with a running moonsault but Axiom catches him in an arm submission. Bate powers out and hits a big right hand but then charges right into a Spanish Fly.

Bate tries a European uppercut from the 2nd turnbuckle but Axiom catches him in a sleeper hold. Bate powers out with a fireman’s carry and another airplane spin but this time Axiom reverses into a poisonrana before Bate responds with a brainbuster for a near fall.

Bate climbs to the top turnbuckle but Axiom cuts him off and climbs up with him then Axiom hits a Spanish Fly from the top rope for a two count. Axiom grabs a submission out of the kickout.

Bate powers out but Axiom reverses that only for Bate to come off the ropes with his rebound lariat follow by Tyler Driver 98 for the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate (2) (10:08)

Backstage we get an interview with Butch who will face Bate next week. Butch recounts his long history with Bate and says no one brings out the bruiser in him like Bate.

We go to the locker room where Tiffany Stratton is warming up for her match.

We get a video from earlier today as Joe Gacy explains to Ava that their tree is dying and they now stand alone.

Backstage we see Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes chatting. Williams says he can relate to being alone. Hayes confirms that he’s got a match against Dominik Mysterio next week. Williams offers to be in his corner but Hayes says he’s got this. Wes Lee is now lurking in the background. Williams & Hayes are still cool. Lee is cleaning out his locker as Williams & Hayes part ways.

Tag Team Match
Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

Julius Creed & Malik Blade starts this match off with Blade hits a dropkick and a dive onto Brutus Creed on the outside then Enofe quickly hits a splash on Julius for a near fall.

Brutus tags in and Creed Brothers hits a double team move on Edris Enofe for a near fall. Brutus hits a Samoan Drop followed by a standing moonsault and a running senton for a near fall.

Enofe manages to make the tag to Blade and he hits a crossbody from the top rope on Brutus and tags Enofe back in for an elevated double team blockbuster for a near-fall.

Enofe pounds forearms down on Brutus and then hits a Famouser. Enofe talks trash and hits the ropes and Brutus responds with a body tackle that sends Enofe flying.

Julius & Blade both tag in and Julius unloads with belly 2 belly suplexes on both Blade & Enofe. He hits a spinebuster on Enofe and then catches Blade coming off the top turnbuckle.

Julius holds Blade up in a powerbomb position and Brutus hits Brutus Ball off the top rope to score the win.

Winners: Creed Brothers

After the match we see Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo making faces from the crowd as we see Bronco Nima & Lucien Prince brawl with Hank Walker & Tank Ledger on the ramp.

In the locker room Lyra Valkyria visits Becky Lynch & tells her she’s making her homeland proud.

Backstage Roxanne Perez is talking to some other women about the Women’s Breakout Tournament. They’re interrupted by Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice. Lopez says Perez is causing problems in the locker room. Vice gets in Perez’s face.

Block B Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Nathan Frazer (2) vs. Akira Tozawa (0)

Frazer must win or he’s eliminated.

Akira Tozawa quickly grabs a wristlock but Nathan Frazer uses his speed to escape and we get a stalemate. Frazer grabs a headlock to take down Tozawa but Tozawa reverses it. Frazer comes flying off the ropes with a dropkick but Tozawa avoids his springboard attempt.

Tozawa avoids a kick and hits a German suplex and a running kick then Tozawa goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick that sends Frazer to the floor.

Tozawa follows with a suicide dive then he rolls Frazer back into the ring and goes to the top rope but Frazer runs up the ropes to cut him off & hits a superplex and immediately follows up with a vertical suplex into a spinning neckbreaker to get the win.

Winner: Nathan Frazer (4) (2:30)

We get a backstage interview with Joe Coffey & he says he’s been the favorite in this tournament since the start. He predicts he’ll beat Duke Hudson to secure the top spot in Group B. Hudson interrupts and says if he beats Coffey it’ll be a 3 way tie at the top of Group B and there would be a Triple Threat match to decide the winner of the group.

Backstage we see Becky Lynch & Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton making their way down the halls of the arena for their match.

We go backstage for an interview with Mustafa Ali. He asks that no one try to undermine his tainted win last week over Dragon Lee. Here’s Lee to interrupt and point out that there was a fast count by special guest referee Dominik Mysterio that gave Ali the win. Ali promises to give Lee the 1st shot at the North American Title after he beats Mysterio at No Mercy.

Backstage Wes Lee is asked about his loss. He says he cleans his locker out & says I’m done and walks out the door before we can take that in the camera whips around to show a hooded figure attacking Blair Davenport and we discover it’s Gigi Dolin as security pulls them apart.

Women’s Title Match
Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Becky Lynch

Match starts off with a lock up then Tiffany Stratton powers Becky Lynch into the corner and we get a clean break then Stratton kicks Lynch and grabs a side headlock then a drop down by Lynch but Stratton cartwheels out and uses a Matrix bridge to avoid Lynch.

Lynch responds with her own cartwheel and goes for the Disarmher but Stratton is able to escape. Stratton gets the better of another lockup with a knee to the gut then she bounces Lynch off the ropes and hits a forearm to the back.

Lynch answers back with her own forearm but Stratton recovers and hangs Lynch over the top rope and knocks her off and down to the arena floor as we go to a break.

After the break Lynch hits a charge into the corner. Lynch goes to the top turnbuckle, hits a missile dropkick and covers for a two count. Lynch goes for the Disarmher but Stratton escapes again and hits a sitout spinebuster for another two count.

Stratton looks for Prettiest Moonsault Ever but Lynch cuts her off then Stratton avoids a charge into the corner and pulls Lynch’s neck down across the top rope.

Stratton climbs to the top turnbuckle but Lynch cuts her off and lands a series of punches Stratton reverses the superplex by sending Lynch face first to the mat and following with a Swanton Bomb for a near fall.

Stratton picks up Lynch but Lynch slips out the back and goes for an armbar in the center of the ring. Stratton manages to reach the bottom rope with her foot and then rolls over to power up Lynch but Lynch counters with a headscissor takedown for a two count. Stratton hits a running double stomp for another two count.

Stratton waits for Lynch to get up and tries for a Manhandle Slam but Lynch reverses it. Stratton goes for Prettiest Moonsault Ever again and Lynch runs up and catches her with a Russian leg Sweep from the 2nd turnbuckle for a near fall.

Both women are down until Stratton rolls out to the floor. Lynch tries to kick her from the apron but Stratton blocks it and pulls Lynch off and into the ring steps.

Stratton clears the announcers’ table and picks up Lynch for a powerbomb but Lynch hangs onto the ringside barricade to escape.

She kicks Stratton away and Stratton falls onto the desk. Lynch comes off the barricade with a leg drop but the table does not break.

Lynch rolls Stratton into the ring, hits another leg drop from the second turnbuckle and that gets two. Lynch locks on the Disarmher. Stratton fights to the ropes to break it and powers up Lynch onto her shoulder.

Lynch tumbles off to the apron and creates space to climb to the top turnbuckle then Stratton avoids Lynch coming off the top rope and hits a sitout powerbomb on Lynch for a two count as both women are down.

They trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Stratton reverses Manhandle Slam into a rollup for a two count. Stratton tries for the Prettiest Moonsault Ever again misses it but lands on her feet. Lynch is waiting for her and catches her with Manhandle Slam to get the win.

Winner & New Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)

Standings After Night 5 (Non Spoilers)

Block A

1st Place- Butch (3 Points) (1-0-1)

2nd Place- Tyler Bate (2 Points) (1-0)

3rd Place- Axiom (1 Point) (0-1-1)

Last Place- Charlie Dempsey (0 Points) (0-1)

Block B

1st Place- Joe Coffey (4 Points) (2-0) & Nathan Frazer (4 Points) (2-1)

2nd Place- Duke Hudson (2 Points) (1-0)

Last Place- Akira Tozawa (0 Points) (0-3)

Matches Of The Night

NXT Title #1 Contenders Match- 9/10

Block A Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational- 7/10

Women’s Title Match- 7/10

Friday’s Level Up

Block A Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Tyler Bate (2) vs. Charlie Dempsey (0)

Tag Team Match
Meta 4 (Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) vs. Dani Palmer & Tatum Paxley

Tag Team Match
Bronco Nima & Lucien Price vs. Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont

Luca Crusifino vs. Ikemen Jiro

Next Week’s NXT

Champion vs. Champion Match
North American Champion Dominik Mysterio vs. NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes

Block A Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Tyler Bate (2) vs. Butch (3)

Block B Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Joe Coffey (4) vs. Duke Hudson (2)

Roxanne Perez vs. Lola Vice

No Mercy Card (Sept 30th)

Heritage Cup Title Match
Noam Dar (c) vs. 2023 Heritage Cup Invitational Winner TBD

North American Title Match
Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Mustafa Ali

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov

Bron Breakker vs. Baron Corbin