WWE Main Event Results – September 7, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – September 7, 2023

Bronson Reed vs. Akira Tozawa

Bronson Reed controls early with his size then he fires off some chops in the corner but Akira Tozawa gets his feet up in the corner to block a splash then he throws some strikes but runs into a brick wall as Reed mows him down then to the corner where Reed lands some shoulders.

This time the splash in the corner connects and then he tosses Tozawa across the ring. Reed hooks a neck crank but he fights his way out and gets Reed to his knees. Shining Wizard connects before he comes off the top with the diving back elbow for a two count.

Tozawa gets dumb and tries a slam but Reed blocks but eats a knee to the head. Tozawa lands an enziguiri and heads up top again & hits Senton for a two count before he tries the slam again and Reed falls back on him before Reed connects with a senton follow by Tsunami.

Winner: Bronson Reed

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Riddick Moss

Tommaso Ciampa & Riddick Moss lock up to start this match and Moss backs Ciampa into the corner and delivers some shoulders. Ciampa escapes a suplex and lands some strikes including a chop then a side headlock by Ciampa but he is shoved off and Moss runs him down with a shoulder.

He uses his knee to choke Ciampa on the middle rope then a whip to the corner and Moss shows off with some push ups. Ciampa avoids another whip to the corner and lands a back elbow. Thesz Press and some right hands.

Ciampa gets a two count and then does some push ups of his own before Moss escapes Fairy Tale Ending and drops Ciampa throat first on the top rope then a running clothesline knocks Ciampa down as we go to a break.

After the break Moss hitting an SOS Slam then a running shoulder in the corner then Moss catapults Ciampa into the middle rope and gets another SOS Slam for a two count then a 3rd SOS slam if avoided by Ciampa and he side steps a charge and shoves Moss into the middle buckle.

Ciampa unloads with chops and gets a clothesline then hits a trio of corner clotheslines and then another clothesline sends Moss to the floor to pop the crowd before Willow’s Bell gets a two count Ciampa drops the knee pad.

Moss catches Ciampa coming though and gets a version of a uranage for a two count then a neckbreaker is countered into a backslide by Ciampa before Moss connects with a spinebuster then he charges at Ciampa but gets hit with a knee to the jaw before Ciampa drills Moss with Fairy Tale Ending for the win.

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa