Ted DiBiase Discusses His Relationship With Curt Hennig

WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase recently took to an episode of his “Everybody’s Got a Pod” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including whether he got to work with Barry Windham.

DiBiase said, “No, Barry and I know we. We never did. We never work like crazy. I mean, because he and Mike [Rotunda] became tag team partners together. But no, we were. It was just never. We were never in the same territory together.”

He talked about if there was a star from his time that he never wrestled that he wanted to wrestle.

“I’ll tell you, a guy that I did get to work with and I loved working with but didn’t get to work with him nearly enough. And that was Paul Orndorff. Paul was really good. And I’m trying to think where it was. It was, well, it was Mid-South, and I had turned heel and he was still a babyface. Bill came to both of us, and there was this kind of like it’s kind of like one of these things. It’s time to grow up because we were both babyfaces and at the time. And so he says, I want you guys to go out and go Broadway one, our draw now, and we’re looking at each other like, holy crap, who’s going to lead this thing? And, you know, it ended up being spontaneous. We both called it. We would know, we would come up with stuff, it was so good, you know, Bill had us work the whole territory. I mean, it’s kind of like every night I was working an hour on Broadway with Paul Orndorff. We got to know each other really well. You know.”

DiBiase also talked about his relationship with Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig).

“Curt and I have become good friends. We think what’s funny is we met on a. A trip to Japan. We were both booked by, of course, I was there with Stan Hansen a lot. But they would book a tour. There would be like 5 or 6 gaijins, you know. Gaijin is the Japanese word for foreigner. There’d be 5 or 6 gaijins on the trip. And he was one of them. Great guy. You know, I mean. I mean. And you know what? What’s crazy about that? Mr. Perfect. I mean, he was legitimately talented. A lot of that stuff he could really do. Yeah. But good guy. I remember any specific ribs, but that is a fact. Oh, he loved trivia. And the deal was I just would. I tried to stay neutral, you know, because, you definitely don’t want to rib him first because whatever he comes back with as a counter rib is going to be, Oh, my gosh.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.