WWE star Ricochet recently appeared on INSIGHT With Chris Van Vliet to talk about a number of topics including his call up from WWE NXT to the main roster.
Ricochet said, “That was such a good time for me. Honestly, I feel like you could start anywhere because everyone was good. Everybody that I was in there with was so good, so it really helped me out a lot. But I guess if I had to point you somewhere first, probably the WarGames [match] is one of them. WarGames is great, but that’s a little long. That’s a long match. Probably me and Aleister [Black] versus The Viking Raiders, that was one of my favorites [too].”
“I wasn’t worried about it [his call up] at all. Not even because I think everyone’s going to know me. That just was like, ‘If you don’t know me, you’re about to know me. If you don’t know me, you’re going to find out very soon.’ I’ve always kind of liked starting fresh.”
You can check out the complete interview below: