NWA World Women’s Champion Kamille exclusively spoke with PWMania.com’s Scott Mitchell (@ScottsScoop44)about a wide range of topics including leading the NWA women’s division, being the NWA World Women’s Champion for almost 800 days, NWA 75, and more.
You can check out the complete interview below:
How did your debut come about for the NWA?
“I took some time off from wrestling. Then, I got a call from Dave Lagana. He needed someone to be an “insurance policy” for Nick Aldis. So, at NWA 70 I made my debut as his insurance policy and the rest is history.”
You defeated Serena Deeb to become the World Women’s Champion. Your current reign is almost 800 days. What’s it like to be representing the women of NWA and to be the top champion?
“I definitely take it with great pride and great honor. When I first got into the NWA locker room, it was really at a time when Billy Corgan had first thought of that resurgence of what the NWA is. I went from being an insurance policy, to a wrestler, to a champion in a very short time span. I got to see the company grow and change. I went from being one of the youngest girls in the locker room to now being one of the older ones. It’s nice to see all the young girls coming into the locker room and this being one of the first places they’re at and being able to show the world what they can do. It’s really nice to be someone they feel like they can talk to. I definitely take my role as not just being the NWA Women’s World Champion not just for the outside fans, but also for the locker room and the girls a part of that. I’m happy that I can be a leader and someone that they can trust.”
We also saw an all women’s show in EmPowerrr. How important was that show to not just you, but the locker room as a whole, and your match with Leyla Hirsch?
“We were all very excited about it. Not just because it was an all-women’s pay-per-view, but it also was a show that brought in women from all different companies, and something that brought us all together. It was around the time when that was the hot thing to do with Forbidden Door. It was neat to have matches we wouldn’t be able to otherwise have. Being able to work with Leyla was great. It was my first time being in the ring with her, so I didn’t really know what to expect, but being able to tell that David vs. Goliath story was a ton of fun. I also think that we had a lot to prove because we were both brand new at the time. We kicked ass, and we definitely proved ourselves that night.”
What was it like to be able to work with KiLynn King, and tell the story that you guys did?
“It was great. It was great because I was finishing off my training, and she was just getting started at the Team 3D Academy. I did see her when we first started. To have our full-circle moment, with Bully Ray on commentary. And for him to be able to come in there and raise my hand in victory after the match we had was a very special moment.”
We’re coming up to the NWA 75th Anniversary show. It looks like you will be squaring off with Natalia Markova at the show. What are your thoughts heading into that match, and working with Markova?
“I think it’s more important for the NWA to have me at 75 than me be at 75. As far as proving myself time and time again, 75 is the biggest show of the year, and it wouldn’t be much of a pay-per-view if you didn’t have your Women’s Champion there. I know I’ll have my work cut out for me there. But when I win that match I will also have to defend my title the next night, Night 2 of 75. It’ll be a rough weekend for me, but I know the fans will enjoy it, and that’s why we do this in the first place.”
Do you have any hopes on who you hope to defend your title against in Night 2?
“It’s going to be whoever wins the gauntlet. They did announce that Allysin Kay is going to be in the gauntlet. It’s been quite a while since she’s been here, and she was once the champ herself, so that would be a super interesting match. I’m not sure who’s even in the gauntlet, but I have faced every type of wrestler, so I’m ready for anything.”
You’re now officially in the top 5 longest reigns as the NWA World Women’s Champion, approaching almost 800 days. How important is that to you, and being the face of the company?
“I think it’s important to be able to take the title not just in the NWA, but also the indie promotions all over the country, and in different countries. Just staying true to myself and staying true to what I feel represents a strong woman. I get asked this all the time, at this point I feel like I am the face of the NWA. I have been here since 2018, and all I want to do is make the NWA proud, myself proud, and make all the women in that locker room feel like they have a nice comfortable place to work.”
Looking ahead, what’s next? Do you have any future goals or opponents you’d like to face?
“Steph DeLander, and Jordynne Grace I never got in the ring with and it would be super cool. They’re two girls I would love to defend my title against.”
Is there a message you can tell your fans and NWA fans in general who watch this interview?
“We’re really excited to put on a great weekend of wrestling at The Chase. It’s definitely the pay-per-view I look forward to the most. The Chase is so historic, and the fans there have a good time, and I hope you guys keep up the rowdiness and intensity. I’m pretty sure I’m main eventing the first night, so save your energy. On the second night, we have a bunch of big matches announced as well. Obviously, we have Tyrus vs. EC3. It should be my husband but that’s another story for another day. We’re just very excited to make it a fun weekend of wrestling. We appreciate everyone who not only supports us as individuals but the whole company.”
If you use any portion of the quotes from this interview, please credit PWMania.com with an h/t to PWMania.com for the transcription.