AEW Dynamite Review – August 2, 2023 (200th Episode)
Tag Team Match
Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garica & Sammy Guevara) vs. Chris Jericho & Konosuke Takeshita
Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara starts the match off by chopping each other then Guevara takes down Jericho with a knee strike before tagging in Daniel Garcia. Jericho tries to chop away at Garcia but he counters with his dance before Jericho tags out to Konosuke Takeshita.
Takeshita runs the ropes before taking down Garcia with a running clothesline and gets one count with his foot on Garcia’s chest by doing Garcia’s dance then Jericho tags in and Garcia is in control until Don Callis trips up Garcia before they go to picture in picture.
After the break Jericho is still in control over Garcia but he is able to put his knees up during Jericho’s Lionsault attempt then both Guevara & Takeshita tag in as Guevara sends both Takeshita & Jericho to the outside where he individually dives onto both of them.
Guevara tosses Takeshita back inside and hits a frog splash for the pin but Jericho breaks it up. Guevara & Jericho start shoving each other until Garcia gets involved and takes out Jericho. Takeshita puts on Walls Of Takeshita on Guevara but he is able to kick his way out as Jericho tags in and gets hit with a Spanish Fly by Guevara for a two count.
Garcia tags in but Jericho hits him with a Codebreaker right away for a two count then Guevara kicks Takeshita to the outside and hits him with a Shooting Star Press.
Back inside Garcia blocks a Judas Effect and rolls up Jericho for a two count before putting on the Dragon Slayer.
Takeshita tries to stop it but Guevara sends him outside & as Aubrey Edwards is distracted by them on the outside Don Callis takes out Garcia with the bat to get the win..
Winners: Chris Jericho & Konosuke Takeshita (12:21)
Rate: 6
We go Tony Khan in the back who talks about AEW being on the road to All In before showing highlights of the 1st 200 episodes of Dynamite.
Backstage Renee Paquette tries to get a word with Chris Jericho but Matt Menard stops him from saying anything and says next week they will have a Jericho Appreciation Society mandatory meeting and Jericho will have to be there.
Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces FTW Champion Jack Perry but before Schiavone can say it’s time for the face 2 face but Perry snatches the mic from him and tells Jerry Lynn to come out and take his ass kicking like a man. Lynn comes out and says as much as he wants to get his hands on Perry he won’t because that’s child abuse. Lynn says he doesn’t run the show around here and there isn’t a doctor alive to clear him to get into the ring. Lynn said he call a good friend of his that wrestled in ECW and just so happens to still wrestle today. We hear Walk by Pantera as Rob Van Dam makes his way out. RVD gets in Perry’s face but Perry holds the FTW Title before heading to the back. RVD does his pose with Lynn in the ring. Perry runs back in and tries to take out RVD with a chair but he’s able to duck it. Perry escapes to the crowd and puts a child in front of him to protect himself.
We see a video hyping up tonight’s main event of Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida for the Women’s Title.
Triple Threat Anything Goes Match
Jon Moxley vs. Trent Beretta vs. Pentagon Jr
Trent Beretta dives onto Jon Moxley on the outside followed by Pentagon Jr as weapons are introduced right away with Pentagon taking out Moxley & Beretta with trash cans and trash can lids but Moxley takes him out with a cutter.
Moxley gets a barbed wire board and starts driving it into the face of Beretta before piledriving him on top of it. Beretta comes right back by back body dropping Moxley on top of the board as Alex Abrahantes helps Pentagon set up some tables on the outside & he puts Beretta on top of them.
Pentagon goes to the top rope but Moxley joins him and starts rubbing the barbed wire in his face knocking him down. Beretta joins Moxley on the top rope and superplexes Moxley through the tables as they go to picture in picture.
After the break Beretta & Pentagon are double teaming on Moxley but Pentagon ends up laying Beretta on top of another table inside the ring & as Pentagon heads to the top rope, Beretta joins him but Pentagon puts Beretta through the table with a Destroyer. Moxley ends up shoulder blocking Pentagon through another table on the other side of the ring.
Moxley pours thumbtacks in the middle of the ring before blocking a Fear Factor and piledriving Pentagon on top of the tacks for a two count then Moxley ends up suplexing Pentagon on top of the tacks before hitting a cutter on Beretta on them.
Beretta comes back with a Strong Zero to Moxley on the tacks but Pentagon breaks it up with a trash can shot before all 3 start going after each other until Moxley takes out Beretta with a King Kong lariat and starts punching away with Pentagon.
Moxley stops Pentagon off the ropes and hits him with a Paradigm Shift then Beretta takes out Moxley with a knee strike and covers Pentagon to get the win.
Winner: Trent Beretta (12:28)
Rate: 6
After the match Moxley starts choking out Beretta as Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta make their way to the ring but Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor run through the crowd to stop them. They make their way ringside as Beretta dives onto them off the top rope. Castagnoi & Yuta start retreating as Cassidy takes out Moxley with an Orange Punch. Taylor gets on the mic and says this doesn’t accomplish a damn thing and proposes a Parking Lot Fight at Daily’s Place on Rampage.
Backstage Renee Paquette is with Rob Van Dam and asks what brought him there to Dynamite. RVD says he heard Jack Perry running his mouth and next week he is going to challenge Perry for the FTW Title.
AEW World Champion MJF makes his way to the ring and says he’s feeling emotional and wants to have a heart 2 heart talk with everybody here in Tampa and everybody at home watching him. He brings up his Attention Deficit Disorder as the crowd chants ADD and talks about Rejection Deficit Disorder as his brain can’t handle rejection based emotions or behaviors making life difficult for him. MJF talks about being bullied, abused, cheated on, lied to, battered on, and beaten up in his past but one thing he didn’t blackout about was the day when kids walked up to him and threw quarters at him and told him Pick it up, Jew boy, pick it up. MJF said he learned from this to stab everybody in the back before they could stab him but he’s realized that’s no way to live. While he was protecting himself he ended up becoming one of them and a scumbag, himself. He said being a scumbag and making people hate him and boo him is easy but what’s hard is to be vulnerable and open. MJF says he’s not scared anymore and he’s not going to change overnight and says he’s still a scumbag but he’s ready to be your scumbag. He brings up someone who taught him to live with hate in his heart which is no way to live at all and even Max Friedman the devil deserves a friend before he introduces his best friend Adam Cole.
Cole says MJF continues to impress him everyday and says he is not alone because he was afraid and scared and didn’t understand what being a man really was and MJF is becoming the man he was meant to be. Cole says the fans cheer him because deep down they know there is a good guy in MJF and they are all incredibly proud of him. MJF said he enjoys Cole’s verbal fellatio and loves that Cole is wearing their brand new t shirt before plugging it. MJF says he calls Cole out because he made him a promise that after their match with FTR he would give him a title shot at the AEW World Title & after thinking hard and long at it he’s come to the conclusion that Cole doesn’t deserve a match before getting a contract and saying Cole doesn’t deserve just any match but the match at All In & Cole signs it right away as they both hug it out and the graphic is shown making it official.
We see a very angry Roderick Strong throwing stuff around in the back before The Kingdom comes in and Matt Taven tells Strong that Cole is always forgetting about his real friends.
Trios Match
The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett & Satnam Singh
Kenny Omega & Jeff Jarrett starts the match as Jarrett controls to start struts and tags out to Jay Lethal as the Young Bucks take turns tagging in and out and going after Lethal before taking out Jarrett with a double dropkick & Matt Jackson tells Lethal to tag out to Satnam Singh which he does.
Singh gets in Matt Jackson’s face but as he goes to tag out Nick Jackson & Omega comedically back away before Matt tags out to Nick as they start double teaming on Singh but he takes them both out with a double crossbody. Singh stays in control as he, Jarrett & Lethal mock The Elite pose before they go to picture in picture.
After the PIP break Young Bucks stop a Lethal Injection with a superkick followed by one on Jarrett before they chop Singh down with kicks before Omega hits him with V Trigger then Young Bucks dive to Jarrett & Lethal on the outside as Karen Jarrett gets on the apron to distract the referee. Omega tries to lift up Singh in the One Winged Angel but Sonjay Dutt runs in to stop him then Brandon Cutler sprays the cold spray on Karen’s face but Dutt takes out Cutler.
The Hardys run out to stop Dutt and Adam Page runs out & hits Jarrett with Buckshot Lariat and stops Lethal trying to use a guitar by hitting him with the Buckshot Lariat so Omega follows this with the One Winged Angel on Lethal to score the victory.
Winners: The Elite (9:00)
Rate: 5
After the match they get on the mic as Page says The Elite have resigned to AEW and are here to the next 200. Omega says they can see them on Dynamite, Ring Of Honor, Rampage and maybe even Collision.
We go to the Mogul Embassy backstage as AR Fox asks Darby Allin why he didn’t call him when he got signed to AEW, and he didn’t call him for 5 years and now that he’s here he’s going to take away everything that Allin gave him. Swerve Strickland throws to one of his new movies as we then cut to Strickland & Fox with Prince Nana behind the camera at the Buddy Wayne Academy as we see Nick Wayne and a student training in the ring. Strickland calls the Academy shit and asks what does the Fox say as Fox tosses a skateboard into the student’s face. They start attacking the students before they corner Wayne and start attacking him. They attack Wayne with a framed picture as Strickland takes the picture of Wayne and his dad and places it on the ring then Wayne tries to call Darby Allin but Strickland takes the phone away and tells Wayne to unlock the phone as they call Allin. Strickland tells Allin this is just the beginning before tossing the phone through a glass window saying Mogul Embassy Forever.
ROH World Tag Team Titles Match
Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) (c) vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo & Komander
Kyle Fletcher & El Hijo Del Vikingo starts the match by running the ropes before Vikingo springboards in the ring with a crossbody and hits a twisting hurricanrana before Mark Davis & Komander both tag in then both teams with a bit of back & forth before Komander is able to dodge Fletcher while in the ropes as Fletcher goes spilling to the outside.
Vikingo vaults off of Komander’s back by sending Davis to the outside but Fletcher is able to fight them both off before they trap Fletcher on the ropes as Vikingo hits him with a diving leg drop then they try to dive to Aussie Open on the outside but they catch them and drive them against the ring as we go to picture in picture.
After the break Aussie Open is in control until Vikingo & Komander take them to the outside where they hit them with a crazy double moonsault off the ropes then back inside the ring Vikingo & Komander both go to the top rope together and hit a double 450 Splash on Davis then goes for the pin but Fletcher is there to break up the pin attempt.
Vikingo & Fletcher go to the outside as Komander walks the ropes but misses a Shooting Star Press then Davis takes him down with a kick before tagging Fletcher back in and they hit Coriolis on Komander for the win.
Winners & Still ROH World Tag Team Champions: Aussie Open (9:51) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 7
Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Hikaru Shida
Toni Storm goes outside to talk to The Outcasts but Hikaru Shida is able to take control and send Storm flying into the barricades while scaring off Ruby Soho & Saraya.
Storm takes over and sends Shida back inside where they trade knocking each other into the turnbuckle.
Shida hits a pair of suplexes then Storm knocks Shida to the outside with a hip attack as Saraya & Soho start attacking Shida as Storm stays in control as they go picture in picture.
After the break Shida hits a missile dropkick for a two count then heads back to the top rope and hits a Meteora for another two count. Saraya distracts the referee as Soho takes Shida off the top rope which Storm follows with a hip attack and DDT for a two count.
Shida comes back with a Falcon Arrow for a two count as Saraya tosses the Kendo stick into the ring. Shida teases using it as Storm tells her to instead Shida uses it on Soho as she got on the apron & as the referee is putting the stick away Storm uses the spray paint in Shida’s face and hits Storm Zero but Shida kicks out at two then they go back & forth until Shida rolls up Storm to score the win.
Winner & New Women’s Champion: Hikaru Shida (13:16) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7
Friday’s Rampage
Trios Match
The Hardys (Matt & Jeff) & Keith Lee vs. The Butcher, The Blade & Kip Sabian
Tag Team Match
Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland & AR Fox) vs. Logan Cruz & Tyshaun Perez
Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue
Tag Team Parking Lot Brawl
Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor)
Saturday’s Collision
Real AEW World Title Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Ricky Starks
TBS Title Match
Kris Statlander (c) vs. Mercedes Martinez
AEW World Tag Team Titles Match
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. Brain Cage & Big Bill
Wednesday’s Dynamite So Far
FTW Title FTW Rules Match
Jack Perry (c) vs. Rob Van Dam
All In Card So Far (August 27th)
AEW World Title Match
MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole
All Out So Far (Sept 3rd)
TNT Title Match
Luchasaurus (c) vs. Darby Allin