MLW Fusion Results – July 13, 2023
Kicking off this week’s Fusion with a post fight press conference with new MLW World Champion Alex Kane & Mr. Thomas. Kane claims the league stacked the deck against him but he knocks barriers down. He claims Alexander Hammerstone and people like him get mad when the rising generation is disrespectful but he says Hammerstone still hasn’t earned his respect then loses his place in the script and has to repeat himself to find it. He made Hammerstone tap out and he’ll do it again if necessary & this is Alex Kane’s empire and then yells Bomaye.
Taya Valkyrie talks in the back & tonight is the night and she’s spent the last 12 years carving her own path and is happy to continue leaving a trail of bodies in her wake. She’s the craziest bitch Delmi Exo will ever meet and she’s going to prove it tonight.
Featherweight Champion Delmi Exo is in the back as well and gets an interview & she acknowledges the attack from Valkyrie a few weeks ago but she’s sending Taya back to Jacksonville tonight.
Featherweight Title Match
Delmi Exo (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie
They go right into a brawl then Delmi Exo with some chops so Taya Valkyrie responds with some of her own then a back elbow from Exo then she drops Valkyrie into the corner and Valkyrie heads out of the ring but Exo baseball slides her. Taya slams Exo into the ring post then chops her. We’ve got some ringside brawling and Taya drops Exo on the apron and we go to a break.
After the break Exo rolling into the ring before we get some corner stomps from Valkyrie then Valkyrie with a snapmare then grabs a rest hold then some leg kicks in the corner from Valkyrie then Valkyrie tries to go do the 10 Beats Of The Bodhran & she connects with them. Exo avoids a corner kick and hits a backstabber.
Bit of a flurry from Exo but Valkyrie shoves her off only to get hit with a cross legged fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count then some corner work from Exo then a basement dropkick to the head for a 2 count then a 2nd rope dropkick from Exo. Valkyrie tries to fight back, she trips up Exo and hits a Curb Stomp but poses rather than follow up.
Valkyrie stomps Exo into the corner and covers her for a near fall then Valkyrie wants a Road To Valhalla but Exo counters into a victory roll for a 2 count before Exo fights off another attempt and lands a kick then tries a Delmi Driver but John Hennigan is over here for a distraction now and Valkyrie back drops out of the position.
Exo shoves Valkyrie into Hennigan on the apron then rolls her up for 2 but Valkyrie lands a clothesline. Exo with a La Mistica and Valkyrie taps out.
Winner By Submission & Still Featherweight Champion: Delmi Exo (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
After the match Exo celebrates with the Featherweight Title.
We get a recap of Mister Saint Laurent & Davey Boy Smith Jr. joining forces and turning on Microman.
Matt Cardona is coming to MLW soon courtesy of their ongoing Draft which will be updated again tonight.
In the back our roving reporter is waiting to get a word with Court Bauer & He yelling on the phone in his office. Bauer comes out and tells everyone to never do business with Don King.
Another recap of the 2023 roster Draft, Kevin Blackwood & Matt Cardona & the new addition to the roster is O’Shay Edwards.
Ken Broadway vs. TJ Crawford
Ken Broadway & TJ Crawford lock up to get this match started then they hit the ropes and Broadway gives a clean break but Crawford chops him before they hit the ropes and Broadway lands a back elbow then a Japanese armdrag and a chop then more rope running and Broadway hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker for a 1 count.
Crawford with a kick to the knee then he kicks the ropes into Broadway’s face and lands a running boot then some corner work from Crawford and a body shot then a slightly modified Ore Ga Taue for a 2 count before we get some more strikes from Crawford but Broadway fights back with a discus clothesline and both men are down.
Broadway with some punches now then a discus elbow and a spinning powerbomb then an elevated spinning flatliner for a near fall. Crawford blocks a running kick and snaps Broadway down by the arm.
Crawford kicks the mouthpiece out of Broadway then hits a dropkick and follows up with a sit out rotating butterfly slam but only a 2 count then a slap from Broadway but Crawford crushes him with a wheel kick then a bounce back Stunner & it gets only a 2 count.
Broadway fights off a brainbuster and elbows the back of Crawford’s head then lands a punt kick follow by Travis Plex gets the win.
Winner: Ken Broadway
We get a recap of The Calling’s Ricky Shane Page & Middleweight Champion Akira won the Tag Team Titles from Samoan Swat Team at Never Say Never.
We get the announcements for the 2023 Opera Cup tournament. Davey Boy Smith Jr will battle Calvin Tankman & Tracy Williams vs. Tony Deppen on the other side.
Triple Threat Match
Willie Mack vs. John Hennigan vs. Lio Rush
Match starts off with some staring then John Hennigan yells at some people in the crowd before they all circle tease a lock up then Lio Rush & Hennigan both bail leaving Willie Mack alone in the ring. Rush & Hennigan argue about who fights Mack as they waste time and Sam Adonis distracts Mack allowing Hennigan & Rush to double team Mack.
Some kicks from Hennigan then a splash from Rush then they kick Mack out of the ring then Rush rolls up Hennigan for a 2 count then Hennigan & Rush kick each other then Rush avoids Hennigan before Hennigan lands a head kick. Rush fights back with kicks of his own and we get a stand off.
Mack heads back into the ring and he throws Hennigan into Rush and scoop slams Hennigan before Mack Pounces Rush but Hennigan hits him with a 2nd rope kick. Hennigan wants Starship Pain but takes too long and Mack blocks it then hits a Samoan Drop and we go to a break.
After the break Mack hit a kip up then he hits a standing moonsault to Hennigan but Rush breaks up the pin then Rush with some corner strikes to Mack then a boot but when he dives a Mack he’s caught then Rush counters a Samoan Drop into a poisonrana for a near fall.
Rush goes up to the top rope but Mack avoids a splash and hits a pop up elbow strike to send Rush flying. Hennigan with some kicks to Mack then a small package for a 2 count then some mounted elbows from Hennigan then a chin lock.
Hennigan hauls Mack up but Mack fights back with strikes but runs into a clothesline from Rush. Hennigan then superkicks Rush out of the picture. Mack avoids a corner attack and lays in chops to Hennigan. Hennigan tries a springboard kick but Mack kicks him out of the ring.
Mack sets to dive but Lio trips him then hits heat seeking dives onto Hennigan & Mack then Rush goes up top but misses Final Hour so Mack hits a Stunner to Rush then goes for the cover but Hennigan is in he blocks a Stunner and then Adonis gets involved only for Hennigan to run into him then Mack with a bridging school boy for the win.
Winner: Willie Mack