ROH TV Results – June 22, 2023

ROH TV Results – June 22, 2023

8 Man Tag Team Match
ROH World Tag Team Champions Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix), Komander & El Hijo De Vikingo vs. The Butcher, The Blade, Kip Sabian & Serpentico

El Hijo Del Vikingo & Serpentico starts us off with Serpentico got the better of Vikingo with a powerbomb but Vikingo hit a hurricane kick and tags out to Komander. The Butcher tags in on the other side and took control after Kip Sabian cuts Komander off with a knee to the back then Sabian side rushes Komander with offence & it ends with The Butcher hits a lariat for a near fall.

Sabian side ran an offensive flurry in the corner on Komander & it ends with Sabian hits a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Komander fought his way out of a double team and tags out to Pentagon Jr & he ran wild on both The Blade & Sabian. Fenix tags in and ran wild on The Blade & Serpentico then a quadruple superkicks on The Butcher, The Blade, Kip Sabian & Serpentico then Fenix goes for a cover but it got a 2 count.

Lucha Bros hits a Assisted Package Piledriver got broken up & it leads to a triple team on Fenix for a near fall. The match broke down into a brawl before Lucha Bros, El Hijo Del Vikingo & Komander caught the Sabian team in a rowboat in the middle of the ring.

Pentagon hits a Canadian Destroyer on Serpentico in the middle of it all then Vikingo & Fenix hit dives to the floor & that leaves Pentagon to hit Package Piledriver on Serpentico to score the win.

Winners: ROH World Tag Team Champions Lucha Bros, Komander & El Hijo De Vikingo

Gringo Loco vs. Willie Mack

Gringo Loco & Willie Mack went to a stalemate early on as they cartwheeling out of each other’s headscissors attempt. Mack caught Loco with a DDT out of the corner then Mack hits a pair of running strikes before landing a cannonball in the corner for a near fall.

Loco fought back before running into a Samoan Drop from Mack then Mack hits a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Mack took Loco to the top rope but Loco knocks him down and hit a double jump moonsault before Mack rolls to the floor but Loco follows him with a plancha. Loco went for a corkscrew moonsault but Mack moved and hits a spinebuster for a near fall.

They traded strikes before Mack hit a Shining Wizard to put both men down before Loco cut Mack off as he went to the top rope and hits a double jump Spanish Fly to get the victory.

Winner: Gringo Loco

Trish Adora vs. Allysin Kay

Trish Adora caught Allysin Kay in an Octopus Hold but Kay dumps her on the ropes to escape. Kay laid in some strikes before landing a neckbreaker for a near fall before Kay laid in the strikes to Adora before Adora caught her with a German suplex from her knees.

Adora fired up & sends Kay into the corner shoulder first then Adora hits a bridging suplex for a near fall before she goes for Lariat Tubman but Kay avoids it and hits a boot for a near fall. Adora rolls out of a powerbomb position and hits Lariat Tubman for the win.

Winner: Trish Adora

Kyle Fletcher vs. Silas Young

After both men trading shoulder blocks Kyle Fletcher sent Silas Young to the floor with a boot. Fletcher hits a crossbody over the top rope then Young cuts Fletcher off with a hotshot across the top rope before sending Fletcher into the turnbuckles hard with an Irish whip.

Fletcher muscles Young up into a suplex then he fires up by hitting a running forearm and a back suplex for a near fall. Young cuts Fletcher off with a back elbow but Fletcher hit a half & half suplex before following it with a running kick in the corner. Fletcher followed it with a brainbuster for a near fall.

Young fought out of Grimstone Piledriver but Young sent Fletcher to the apron and hit a springboard lariat then Young hits a backbreaker/lariat combo but misses the headstand moonsault as Fletcher connects a hammerlock reverse DDT to put Young away.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

Non Title Match
6 Man Tag Team Champions Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage, Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. AJZ, Luke Kurtis & Trenton Storm

Toa Liona charges Luke Kurtis while Kurtis still had his entrance robe on. Kurtis caught Liona with a DDT, but Liona got right back up and hit a belly 2 belly for a near fall. Brian Cage tags in and drops Trenton Storm with a lariat. Storm went for a headscissors but Cage shrugs him off and hit a German suplex.

AJZ tags in and got a bit of offense in on Kaun but Kaun hits a Stun Gun over the top rope before hitting a running back elbow on the floor.

Mogul Embassy went into their finishing sequence by taking out all 3 men before hitting 3 separate power moves to win.

Winners: 6 Man Tag Team Champions Mogul Embassy

Dalton Castle vs. Josh Woods

Dalton Castle & Josh Woods starts this match off with some grappling then they got tied up in the ropes where Woods yanked Castle’s head and neck into the top rope. Castle fired up the crowd before getting back in the ring and dropping Woods with a DDT.

Castle hooks Woods on the top rope before kneeing him down & the Varsity Athletes distracted Castle & allows Woods to send Castle into the barricade twice.

Woods tied Castle in the ropes before hitting a German suplex for a near fall then Castle hits a clothesline before firing up with suplex variants then Castle caught a charging Woods with a German suplex for a near fall.

Woods escaped the Bangarang with the help of Mark Sterling and hits a gutwrench suplex and a charging knee for a near fall.

Castle fought off all of Varsity Athletes before using The Boys to take out Tony Nese on the floor before Castle caught Woods on a leapfrog then hits Bangarang for the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle

Tag Team Match
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

Carlie Bravo hits a cutter over the ropes on Matt Taven for a near fall then Mike Bennett drops Bravo with strikes before landing a brainbuster for a near fall. Bennett hits a spinebuster before Taven hits a springboard moonsault for a near fall.

Taven hits a DDT on Bravo for a near fall as The Kingdom isolated Bravo but Bravo fought his way to his corner to make the tag to Shawn Dean & he runs wild on The Kingdom.

Dean hits a top rope crossbody then Dean hits a Tiger Driver on Bennett for a near fall. The Infantry hits a double team uranage for a near fall. Taven cuts off Bravo with a knee and a Kick Of The King.

The Kingdom hits a neckbreaker/powerbomb combination for a near fall then Bravo fought out of the corner by hitting a Scissors Kick to Bennett then Dean hits a big splash for a near fall.

Match broke down into a brawl before Bennett & Dean took each other down with clotheslines as Maria Kanellis Bennett distracted the referee Bennett cuts Dean off with a chair.

As The Kingdom sets up Hail Mary, Trish Adora came out to remove Maria from proceedings then Dean rolls up Bennett to score the win.

Winners: The Infantry

Tag Team Match
Big Bill & Lee Moriarty vs. Matt Sydal & Blake Christian

Match starts off with Lee Moriarty & Matt Sydal doing some mat work then Sydal hits a headscissors and a corkscrew senton for a near fall before tagging in Blake Christian. Christian hits a dropkick before landing a bottom rope 619.

Christian hits a handspring kick before tagging in Sydal to hit some double team offense & ends with a running knee from Sydal.

Big Bill tags in and pokes Sydal in his 3rd eye before hitting a kitchen sink knee then Bill cut off a headscissors allowing Moriarty to boot him in the head.

Moriarty tagged in and clobbers on Sydal to the point where Bill had to tell him to calm down. Moriarty hit a bridging suplex for a near fall before tagging Bill back in. Sydal avoided 2 corner charges from Moriarty & Bill.

Christian backflips off the apron when Moriarty went to cuts him off & allowing Sydal to hit a spin kick and tag out to Christian. Christian fired up by hitting a suicide dive to Bill and a Fosbury Flop to Moriarty then he hits a springboard 450 then goes for a pin but Big Bill broke it up.

Sydal and Christian hit a double dropkick on Moriarty but Bill tags in and took them both out with clotheslines. Christian cuts off a chokeslam with a knee but ran right into a Bossman Slam for a near fall that Sydal broke up.

Sydal took Bill to the floor with a headscissors but Bill avoided a big dive and chokeslams Christian on the apron then hits East River Crossing for the win.

Winners: Big Bill & Lee Moriarty

Backstage Lexy Nair is with The Kingdom. They were upset at their loss as they are blaming Stokely Hathaway for setting it up. Maria said that she gave Trish Adora her 1st opportunity in ROH and would make sure it would be her last chance as well.

Tag Team Match
Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. Bang Bros (August Matthews & Davey Bang)

John Silver starts this match with Davey Bang and quickly caught him in a double team then Reynolds hammers August Matthews before Silver powerbombs Matthews into the knees of Reynolds before Dark Order hits Stunner/German Suplex/Jackknife combo for the win.

Winners: Dark Order

After the match The Righteous & Stu Grayson came up on the screen. Grayson asked if the Dark Order would ever bleed for him turning Evil Uno’s question against him. Vincent asks the Dark Order if they would bring the same aggression next week so in response, Reynolds & Silver drops Bang with more offense.

Backstage Lexy Nair is with Diamante before Smart Mark Sterling came in and offers Diamante half of the winner’s purse to forfeit well 49% of the winner’s purse but Diamante rejects the offer.

Leila Grey vs. Diamante

Diamante seemed to change her mind and laid down for Leila Grey but caught her with a kick when she went for the cover. Diamante hit a baseball slide but Grey caught a boot and drops Diamante on the apron. Grey hits a boot for a near fall then Grey clubbers on Diamante then hits a bulldog for a near fall.

Grey missed a senton & that allows Diamante to fire up and hit a German suplex. Diamante hits hesitation dropkick in the corner for a near fall. Sterling distracted Diamante for a moment but Diamante stomps on his hand but Grey caught Diamante with a roll up to score the win.

Winner: Leila Grey

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Workhorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry) & Shane Taylor vs. Action Andretti, AR Fox & Darius Martin

The Workhorsemen sends Action Andretti & Darius Martin out of the ring while Shane Taylor had AR Fox’s hand in the Code Of Honor. Martin tried to fire up but Drake cuts him off on the floor & that allows The Workhorsemen & Taylor to blitz Martin with offense.

Fox caught JD Drake with a moonsault off the apron then Andretti tags in and fired up by landing big offense on Anthony Henry & Taylor. Drake tried to fight Andretti but Andretti was able to take them out with the help of Martin.

Taylor was the last man standing as he is fighting off Andretti, Fox & Martin until Drake was able to get back in. Drake slingshot Fox into a Marcus Garvey Driver that Henry hit a double stomp to assist with then goes for the cover but it got broken up.

The match broke down into a brawl as Henry & Fox were left in the ring and Fox caught Henry with a roll up to get the win for his team.

Winners: Action Andretti, AR Fox & Darius Martin

Backstage, Lexy Nair is with Leila Grey & Smart Mark Sterling as they gloated about their win until Diamante came in demanding a rematch. Grey dismissively agreed to a rematch down the line.

Pure Rules Match
Daniel Garica vs. Rocky Romero

Daniel Garcia forces Rocky Romero into the ropes to burn one of Romero’s rope breaks. Romero then caught Garcia in the Diablo Armbar to get Garcia to use his 1st rope break. Romero hits a dive to Garcia who escapes to the floor before hitting a running Sliced Bread back in the ring for a near fall. Garcia cut off the Forever Clotheslines and hits a butterfly suplex into the ropes then Garica starts to dance then hits a suplex for a near fall.

Romero caught Garcia with an Octopus Stretch to burn Garcia’s 2nd rope break before Garcia cuts off a headscissors and locks in an STF as Romero drags Garcia to the ropes and grabs the ropes to use his 2nd rope break. Garcia taunted the crowd while he had Romero down, allowing Romero to drill him with a jumping knee.

Garcia cuts off Romero on the top rope but Romero caught him with a hurricanrana off the top. Romero ties up Garcia in the ropes and hits Strong Zero for a near fall which Garcia used the ropes to break & Garcia has use his final rope break.

Garcia caught Romero with Walls Of Jericho & forces Romero to use his last rope break to escape. Garcia tried to send a message to Katsuyori Shibata by hitting Romero with a Penalty Kick but Romero caught it and fired up. Romero went on the offensive and caught Garcia in the Diablo Armbar.

Garcia got to the ropes and rolls over top to transition the armbar into the Dragon Tamer as Romero tried to escape out of the ring but Garcia held on through the ropes & Romero has no choice but to tap out.

Winner By Submission: Daniel Garica

After the match Garcia feigned a Code Of Honor handshake before trying to hook on Walls Of Jericho again before International Champion Orange Cassidy made his way out and run off Garcia.

Women’s Title Chicago Street Fight
Athena (c) vs. Kiera Hogan

Kiera Hogan took the fight to Athena to start this match off but Athena caught Hogan with a Bossman Slam to cut her off. Athena went for a ladder but Hogan dropkicks it into her chest. Hogan hits a headscissors into a standing ladder on the floor. Athena shoves Hogan into the ladder before sending her into the barricade. Hogan cuts Athena off and tossed weapons into the ring, but Athena grabbed a garbage can lid and hit Hogan with it.

Athena sends Hogan into the open end of a trash can and hammers it with a kendo stick for a one count. Athena went for a handspring but Hogan threw the trash can into Athena’s face before throwing her can in Athena’s face with a hip attack.

Hogan hit a baseball slide to the trash can then followed it with a neckbreaker for a near fall. Hogan set Athena up on a ladder bridge and went for a splash but Athena moves out of the way & Hogan crashes into the ladder.

Athena set up a table on the floor as well as a chair contraption at ringside & after some time Athena went back to Hogan but Hogan sent Athena through another table at ringside. Hogan hammers Athena with the kendo stick but Athena got one of her own.

They traded kendo stick shots before Athena won the battle before Hogan drops Athena across a table and hit a splash onto the table then a another splash broke the leg of the table.

Hogan sets up a table in the ring but Athena cuts her off and went to the top rope. Hogan cuts her off and went for a headscissors but Athena counters it and powerbombs Hogan through the table for a near fall.

Athena grabs a black bag from under the ring and emptied it & it reveals thumbtacks all over the ring. Hogan fought out of a Razor’s Edge and sends Athena into a trash can before hitting a side suplex into the tacks for a near fall

Hogan chokes Athena with her braids but Athena claws at Hogan’s eyes to escape then Athena rolls to the apron and superplexes Hogan through the chair contraption at ringside then she rolls Hogan into the ring for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Athena (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!!)

Backstage Lexy Nair is with Women’s Champion Athena & she complains about the lack of a celebration before telling the rest of the roster to step up or step out.

Matches Of The Night

8 Man Tag Team Match- 7/10

Gringo Loco vs. Willie Mack- 7/10

Pure Rules Match- 7/10

Women’s Title Chicago Street Fight- 7/10