Impact Wrestling Review (6/8/2023)

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Impact Wrestling Review – June 8, 2023

Impact World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey vs. Jason Hotch

Jason Hotch runs at Chris Bey in the corner but Bey kicks him then Bey whips Hotch into the ropes which is reversed but Bey clotheslines him. Bey hits a rope assisted flatliner on Hotch. Hotch goes for a roll up but gets a two count.

Bey goes for Art Of Finesse but Hotch counters it into a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Hotch gets a backslide but gets two count. Bey counters another roll up attempt into one of his own to get the win.

Winner: Impact World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey

After the match The Good Hands beat down on ABC & Brian Myers hits Roster Cut as they celebrate.

Gia Miller finds Heath backstage and Heath talks about winning the 8 4 1 match but first he will take care of Champagne Singh.

Dirty Dango said he played a jester for the money. He said he invested the money with a 12-15% and he doesn’t really need the money anymore and doesn’t need to be there anymore but he still does it. He tells fans to take a shower and that he read the comments that he sucks. He says if he was like most of the locker room he would buy a replica Digital Media Title but unlike most of them, he gets women and they wouldn’t want to see a toy title there.

Heath vs. Champagne Singh

Heath goes after Champagne right at the bell. Champagne whips Heath into the ropes and Shera catches his leg. Champagne Singh sweeps his leg. Champagne Singh gets a reverse headlock on Heath but Heath fights out of it. Heath hits Wake Up Call for the win.

Winner: Heath

The Design with a backstage promo. Alan Angels says he never trusted Sami Callihan and that he will pay at the cesspool that he calls home in Ohio. Deaner tells Callihan to call his brothers and that they will take everything.

Non Title Match
Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry vs. Sheldon Jean

Joe Hendry hits a vertical suplex on Sheldon Jean and hits upper cuts on Jean followed by a running cutter. Joe Hendry hits a fallaway slam and kips up. He goes for a Standing Ovation but Jean fights out of it but Hendry hits a pop up powerbomb followed by the Standing Ovation for the win.

Winner: Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry

After the match Joe Hendry calls out Dirty Dango. Dango comes out and says he hates pro wrestling but what he hates even more is pro wrestling fans. He says Joe isn’t going to trick him into fighting him as they don’t pay him enough. Hendry says he didn’t call him out here to wrestle, he called him out to tell him why he thinks he’s so cranky all the time and he’s made a video about it. He shows a video of a song where he says he went from beating Chris Jericho to playing police with Tyler Breeze and it happened because he got rejected on Total Divas by Summer Rae & Eva Marie. Afterwards, Kenny King attacks Joe Hendry but Santino Marella comes out and hits the Cobra.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
The Coven (Taylor Wilde & Kilynn King) (c) vs. Death Dollz (Courtney Rush & Jessicka)

Jessicka chokes Taylor Wilde and throws her into the corner and hits a scoop slam. Wilde tags to Kilynn King and Jessicka tags to Courtney Rush. Wilde chokes Rush against the ropes in the corner. Rush tags out to Jessicka. Jessicka gets forearms from King who tags out to Wilde. Jessicka gets the hot tag to Rush who hits a running bulldog on Kilynn for two.

Taylor gets the tag and tries to hit a German Suplex but Rush drops her and hits a Sharpshooter. King & Jessicka are brawling outside and the referee is distracted by that as Wilde taps. King comes in and they double team on Rush for the win.

Winners & Still Knockouts Tag Team Champions: The Coven (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!!)

A vignette runs on Alex Shelley who says he had a chance at the Impact World Title against Josh Alexander and that he believed he had a chance to win. He says he has been here for decades and he has seen AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and others be champion and Josh Alexander is the best representation of Impact. He says he helped cultivate talent like Seth Rollins, Johnny Gargano, The Young Bucks and elevate Chris Sabin and says this time he’s doing it for himself.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Impact World Champion Maclin and Maclin says people are coming from every direction for his Impact World Title. Bully Ray comes in and says he doesn’t need to worry about all those other people, he needs to worry about Bully Ray but not until Slammiversary.

Non Title Match
X Division Champion Trey Miguel vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Bhupinder Gujjar hits a back elbow on Trey Miguel and hits a single leg dropkick as Miguel retreats from the ring. Gujjar goes for a suicide dive but Miguel guillotines him against the ropes. Miguel throws Gujjar outside the ring and dropkicks him when he tries to get back in. Gujjar gets back in but Gujjar hits a jumping knee.

Gujjar hits a flapjack and kips up. Gujjar goes to the top rope and goes for 5 Star Frog Splash but Miguel gets out of the way. Miguel goes to the top rope and goes for the Meteora but Gujjar gets out of the way. Miguel hits the Lightning Spiral for the win.

Winner: X Division Champion Trey Miguel

After the match Miguel gets on the mic and says he is the greatest generational talent right now but all he gets in return is yeah but. He says Chris Sabin used to be great. He says this time there will be no ifs and no yeah buts.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Johnny Swinger and asks if he thinks he can get 50 wins. Johnny Swinger says he has beaten everyone. He asks whose fault was it that he isn’t winning. He says he sent Zicky Dice to referee school.

Gia Miller in a pre-recorded interview with Trinity & Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo. Deonna says Trinity and her have beaten Gisele Shaw multiple times. Trinity says Purrazzo can trust her when they team up. Purrazzo says she doesn’t plan on losing at Against All Odds. Trinity says Purrazzo doesn’t need to worry about Against All Odds but she needs to worry about Slammiversary.

Tag Team Match
Moose & Rich Swann vs. Jonathan Gresham & Nick Aldis

Rich Swann & Jonathan Gresham start as Swann drops Gresham with a kick. Gresham tags to Aldis who gets dropped by hurricanrana but he goes for the Kingsland Cloverleaf then Swann tags to Moose who whips Aldis into the ropes but Aldis hits a Lou Thesz Press on Moose and gets a headlock as we go to commercial break.

After the break Aldis tags to Gresham as they retain control on Moose with a wristlock. Moose hits a scoop slam on Gresham and tags to Swann. Swann hits a splash for a two count. Gresham hits a couple of forearms on Swann but Moose hits him as he runs into his side of the ring. Swann hits a clothesline on Gresham in the corner and tags to Moose who hits a stalling vertical suplex on Gresham.

Gresham goes for the Victory Roll and uses the momentum to tag to Aldis who hits a Michinoku Driver on Moose. Aldis goes to the top rope and hits an Elbow Drop for a two count. Aldis goes for the Cloverleaf but Moose rolls him up for a two count before they clothesline each other.

Both tag out and Gresham backslides Swann for two. Swann hits a cutter for two. Swann goes to the top rope but Moose tags himself in & Moose powerbombs Gresham for the win.

Winners: Moose & Rich Swann

After the match, Gresham, Aldis and Swann all have a problem with Moose. Moose drops Gresham and Swann. Swann goes for a suicide dive on everyone but Bully Ray comes in and drops Swann. PCO comes out and punches Bully out of the ring and hits a running moonsault on everybody outside the ring and stands tall to end this week’s Impact.