Brandon Cutler Deletes Comment About AEW Article Claiming CM Punk Is “Gaslighting”

(Photo Credit: AEW)

As previously reported, there are “tentative plans” for CM Punk to return to AEW television following his backstage altercation with The Elite in 2022.

On Friday, published an editorial titled “CM Punk is gaslighting AEW.” Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“Certainly Punk knows the draw that any feud with him and any combination of the [Young] Bucks, [Kenny] Omega, and [Adam] Page would be, and it certainly looks like he’s playing on that to get his return without having to own up to anything he did or said, and to try and make the others the real villains in this. He’ll turn the AEW fans against those who created AEW in the first place if he has to, or he’ll die trying, before just saying he’s responsible in any way for his own exile. It’s really classic Punk.”

Brandon Cutler, who has been associated with The Elite, commented on the article by quote tweeting it with the message “someone gets it.” Culter quickly deleted his tweet and made his Twitter account private.

Cutler was one of several people “suspended” for a short time after Punk’s backstage brawl with The Elite.

You can check out a screenshot of his deleted tweet below: