The Gunns Open Up On Winning AEW World Tag-Team Championships

(Photo Credit: AEW)

The Gunns, Austin and Colten Gunn, recently appeared as guests on Busted Open Radio for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling.

During the discussion, the reigning AEW World Tag-Team Champions reflect on defeating The Acclaimed to capture the titles, the reaction from the crowd when they did and more.

Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where they touch on these topics with their thoughts.

Colten calls the victory the greatest moment of his life thus far: “It was the greatest moment of my life. I don’t know if a lot of people know this, but I’ve only been wrestling for two years. I was on TV after eight weeks of training. My first match on TV was against Sting. I’m really good at this. My one goal was to win the tag team championships with my brother, and I did that. Another thing is, me and Austin have been broken away from my dad for four to six months, something like that. We’ve had maybe 10 TV matches together, maybe, and we’re already champions. People are like, ‘Oh, this is the peak.’ This isn’t even the beginning for me and Austin, and I just want to reiterate that and let people not forget that, that we’ve only been doing this for less than 10 TV matches. But that moment was awesome. We’re champions, and you can’t take that away from us.”

Austin Gunn on how the crowd reacted to their shocking win: “We’re so sick of not being handed or given our flowers. Colten has been in this business for two years. Every time we step out of that curtain, everybody on Twitter is like, ‘The Gunns are so boring. I can’t get behind them. Oh my gosh, they’re not even good at wrestling.’ Every time we go out there, I can’t even hear Colten over the ‘Ass Boy’ chants and the way we have them in the palm of our hand. So when that one, two, three [happens], and Bowens doesn’t kick out, everybody, I look over, the crowd and everybody is like, ‘Oh my god. My favorite tag team! No, not The Acclaimed, oh no.’”

Austin Gunn says they are the best young team in the world: “That is the best moment. I can’t even sleep. I still think about it. It’s one of the best moments I’ve ever had in my wrestling career, hearing the hush and the silence of the crowd, which [was] followed by bullshit chants while me and Colten [were] raising the titles high, on the stage, looking over, just embracing the bullshit chants, just soaking that in. That is what I love. I love seeing them just in shock because we’re taking over. We’re head of this division. We now have the tag team title belts. Come get them. We’re the best to ever do this. Second-generation, up and coming AEW superstars. Name a young team that’s better than The Gunns. There isn’t. There’s nobody, nobody that can touch us.”

Check out the complete interview at H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.