In an in-depth exclusive interview with PWMania’s Scott Mitchell (@ScottsScoop44), NWA star Mims sits down to talk about his time in the NWA so far, working with the veterans who he has worked with, what’s next for him, and so much more.
Mims Debuts in the NWA
When Mims debuted in the NWA, the first thought he had was how surprised he was because he was still so young in his career. However, his first match made him feel right at home. “I wasn’t nervous, which was the weirdest thing,” says Mims. “I think that was because I got to be across the ring from one of my coaches. I was just ready to go out there and have fun.”
Shortly after he debuted in the NWA, Mims worked with some of the best that the NWA had to offer. He got to face off with Eli Drake, James Storm, and The War Kings in tag-team action. “It was intimidating, but I loved the fact that I got challenged,” Mims tells PWMania.
“I like to say that I’m one of the bravest wrestlers in the NWA today,” states Mims. “You have to have fear, to be brave. Bravery is just conquering that fear. I’m put in some situations that may strike some people with fear, but I know that I am always able to overcome them.”
“It was great to be in the same ring as some of those guys,” says Mims. “They have so much knowledge, and so much to teach. It’s not always verbal, sometimes it’s just getting in there, and doing it. It’s not always talking across the ring; it’s being in the moment that can teach you the biggest lessons you’re probably going to learn.”
Another big name Mims got to work with was Nick Aldis. This was a big deal for Mims as it helped to put him on the map in the NWA. “Just knowing that someone who was the cornerstone of the company, who helped build what we have today, wanted to work with me meant a lot,” says Mims.
“It was nice to be in the ring with someone who saw a lot of potential in me,” says Mims. “He made a big shift in what my career was at that point. He saw something in me and wanted to work with me. It was very exciting. He didn’t need to let me be in the same ring as him, let alone the same locker room, but he did. He put his stamp on me backstage, and in front of the crowd. It was so humbling and just such a big honor for me.”
Mims teams with Pope in the Crockett Cup
Growing up, Mims was always a big fan of Pope, so you can imagine how it must have felt to find out you are teaming up with one of your inspirations. “I never thought that I would be able to be in the same locker room as a lot of the stars we had growing up,” states Mims.
“Getting to work with Pope was a dream come true for me,” says Mims. “Wrestling against him was a big thing for me as well. I get to work with Murdoch, Tyrus, Chris Masters, JTG, I get to work with all of these guys who I got to watch as a kid and loved.”
“It’s an honor for me to be seen not only in the ring but even on the graphic with them,” states Mims.” When he first saw the graphic for him and Pope, he was ecstatic. “I had no idea we would be teaming up, and to be involved with anything with Pope was such a blessing.”
“Having it be real, making our entrance together, to be able to see those photos of me walking out there with Pope was everything to me,” says Mims. Getting to have the proof of working with Pope was awesome not just for who he is now, but also for when he was a younger kid. “I was able to get out there and work with one of my favorite wrestlers.”
Pope and Mims would be unsuccessful as they fell to The Cardona Family in the first round of the tournament. Mims credits VSK as being a great worker, who knows exactly what he’s doing in the ring. “He’s underrated in a lot of aspects,” says Mims.
“Mike Knox, is Mike Knox,” states Mims. “He is the guy that still has people show their influence from him. Even Bray Wyatt. A lot of Wyatt’s moveset was influenced by Knox. He left his mark on the business.”
Of course, Mims wishes he and Pope could have won the Crockett Cup, but he is grateful to have even had the experience he did and hopes to continue to team with Pope. “A tag team title run isn’t too much to ask, is it?” says Mims.
Mims works with Tyrus
Like him or hate him, Tyrus is one of the biggest stars in wrestling today. Mims got the opportunity to develop quite the rivalry with Tyrus over the NWA Television Championship, a championship that has alluded Mims for his entire career, so far.
“He deserves all the respect he gets, if anything, he deserves more,” says Mims. “I’m not someone who is on the same political spectrum as Tyrus, however, that is not something that has ever prevented me from respecting the man that Tyrus is.”
“He doesn’t deserve the disrespect he gets,” says Mims. “I had the pleasure of meeting him and getting to know him. Politics never came into play with him. People can have different opinions and viewpoints on things. People should be judged on their character because politics is not something that makes up directly who he is.”
“Tyrus is a real genuine guy,” says Mims. “People get a glimpse of him on Fox News, but when you sit around him, he has an infectious energy. It’s hard to be mad at someone like that or even have any hate for him in your heart.”
“Working with him has been an amazing experience,” states Mims. “He was someone who had trust in me and associated his brand with me when he didn’t have to. It was a big compliment to me and a huge honor to get to share the ring with him. I hold it near and dear to my heart. It’s all about respect.”
Time Limit Draw with Jordan Clearwater
Recently on NWA Powerrr, Mims faced off with Jordan Clearwater for the NWA Television Championship. Unfortunately, the match ended with a time-limit draw and saw Clearwater retain his NWA World Television Championship.
“I’m not too happy with the way the match ended,” says Mims. “I thought I would have been the NWA television champion right now. I’ve been chasing that championship for over a year now. If anyone thought it wasn’t near and dear to me beforehand, after all the sacrifices I’ve gone through, it’s become even more personal to me that I have to hold this championship, no matter who I have to beat for it.”
Getting built up just to get knocked down has left Mims with a terrible feeling, but it forces him to become a better version of himself. “You can’t wrestle on your morals,” says Mims. “You don’t have the title. None of it matters unless you win it. I have to step up and be better, plain and simple.”
“Look at the opponents I’ve had so far. I’ve had Tyrus who is now the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion,” says Mims. “When it comes to Clearwater, he’s one of the hardest workers in the room. He’s a champion outside of the NWA in his own right.”
“He’s called the golden boy, and it’s not just because of his hair color,” states Mims. “He’s a prodigy and has the total package in wrestling. I’m not going to let go of my vendetta to take that television championship. With all the trials and tribulations, I know victory is going to taste that much sweeter when the inevitable happens.”
What’s Next for Mims?
Looking ahead, Mims is getting ready to compete on Team Rock N’ Roll for the finals of the Championship Series. “My goal is to win this Championship Series,” says Mims. “This is the second year in a row my team could be runner-up. I’m tired of being a runner-up, I’m tired of being the guy who can get to the end, but when it matters, comes up just short.”
“I want that signature win,” states Mims. “This year is no longer going to be controlled by Tyrus and his group. It is no longer going to be marred by the championship that has alluded me my whole career. When we have this team war, I want to win this. I want it to be me to defeat Team Tyrus. I want to let them know that their days are numbered.”
“This panther grip that Team Tyrus has had on the NWA for over a year is coming to an end,” states Mims. “I want to look them all in the eyes and let them know that I am coming for them. I’m done being their punching bag. I’m ready to be as dominant as they were, if not better.”
“I’m ready for the NWA Television Championship,” states Mims. “I’m finally going to get what I deserve, what I want, and what I’ve earned. I’m confident this will happen. I’m coming for that title one more time and this time it will be different. It is inevitable.”
You can follow Mims on Instagram.