WOW Founder Talks About Whether Or Not Promotion Is Ready To Tour Yet

David McLane recently spoke with The Miami Herald for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling.

During the discussion, the Women Of Wrestling founder spoke about whether or not the promotion is ready to begin touring.

Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where he touches on this topic with his thoughts.

On how WOW will remain on television and not start touring just yet: “As of today, the WOW Women of Wrestling is better served on television. It’s not ready to tour yet. Everyone sees the difficulty of hitting the road immediately. We’re still only 13-14 weeks into the brand-new season of WOW on television. We need help. We need every fan that watches on TV to be getting on social media and building up WOW. We need to be lifted up, that’s what the WOW Superheroes need, they need air under their wings.”

On how touring is the ultimate goal: “When that happens, the brand awareness, the knowledge of who these performers are, then we can look at touring. That’s an ultimate goal of my business partner Jeanie Buss. She wants to bring WOW coast to coast, city to city, but we’re not ready yet and we don’t want to be too early in attempting to do it. For now, it’s a television event that you get to see every week in every market across the country.”

Check out the complete David McLane interview via the YouTube video embedded below. H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.