During a recent episode of his podcast, “The Kurt Angle Show,” WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle discussed his time spent with TNA Wrestling near the end of 2007. Here are the highlights:
Putting over Jay Lethal but creative not wanting to do it:
“They took the title from him and everything. It was like they were trying to scold me, but they scolded Jay it was ridiculous. He was suppose to win anyway, there was just suppose to be a bunch of distractions during the match. Somebody was going to come in and bonk me over the head and Jay would’ve won. I didn’t want Jay to win that way. Are you going create a star by making a guy win by someone else coming in and doing some kind of physicality to the person and the other person wins the match? That isn’t how Jay is going to be a bigger star. I wanted to make Jay that night and that’s what I did. They took it right from him the next day, which was ridiculous.”
Wrestling Abyss:
“Oh, I loved working with Abyss. He’s one of the best big guys I ever got in the ring with. He’s safe. As dangerous as he looks and all the dangerous stuff he does, he is a thousand percent safe. We were suppose to have some interferences in that match too, but I called that off, too. Not that I was trying to get myself over because I won the match, but Abyss and I were like ‘we don’t need distractions lets just have a straight up match’ and that’s what we did.”
Rumors that he attempted to take over creative with Vince Russo:
“No I could tell you this, there are rumors sometimes and there’s the truth. That’s a complete rumor. I didn’t even know about that. Vince and I had no intention of taking anything from anybody. Maybe Vince did, I don’t know. I don’t know if Vince did this, I don’t think he did. He probably said ‘hey, Kurt and I want to takeover Dixie and we want to take Jeff out. Vince Russo got along with Jeff (Jarrett), too. So, I just don’t see how that came to be.”
You can listen to the complete podcast below:
(h/t to 411mania for the transcription)