WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley discussed Stone Cold Steve Austin’s career on the latest “Foley Is Pod” show on AdFreeShows.com. Foley was asked if he wanted to see Austin return to the ring at WrestleMania 39:
“No. He had the swan song and it was a tremendous swan song. It was my favorite match of the night just because Steve went and did so much more than anybody thought he would. Then Kevin Owens deserves some type of award. I don’t know if the Nobel Peace Prize went to Kevin Owens last year. I could argue he should have won it just for single-handedly carrying that angle. Steve wasn’t even on TV. I think he did one promo by remote. Owens calling the Texas landscape flat and uninspired is just a thing of beauty. Then the next night trying to create an excuse for his loss by saying not only was he lifting weights, he was lifting a lot of weights. Man, there’s a lot you can learn from watching how that program was done, but the main ingredient is that your guy coming back has to be able to deliver on a level or exceed the level that is expected. Steve did such a fantastic job. Of course, people would love to see him and The Rock, but not as much as they’d love to see Rock and Roman, in my opinion.”
Fans should abandon the “What?” chant, according to Foley:
“I started to write an article called, ‘What’s what with what?’ I was going to say like, yeah, theoretically, a really good promo guy should be able to dig himself out of that hole, but you shouldn’t have to start in a hole. You shouldn’t have to start the count at 0-2. I just think that’s not the best way to remember Steve’s career by echoing that.”
This week’s “Foley Is Pod” episode focuses on Steve Austin.