Chris Jericho Questions If Chyna Sabotaged His WWE Title Match With Triple H

(Photo Credit: AEW)

Chris Jericho recently questioned whether the late Chyna attempted to sabotage his Last Man Standing match against Triple H at the WWE Fully Loaded pay-per-view in 2000.

“There was a big sign in Gorilla position that said: Stay away from the Spanish announce table,’” Jericho said on the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast. “The match before us was Chyna versus Perry Saturn, and guess what Chyna did not do? She did not stay away. They hit this table and collapsed it and something in my head makes me think she might have done that on purpose because it was her ex-boyfriend that was in the next match. Maybe, I don’t know.”

When the table collapsed, Jericho explained that he and Triple H, who was competing with Stephanie McMahon, had five minutes to come up with a new ending. According to Jericho, the initial plan was for a belly-to-back suplex through the Spanish announce table. The two, however, ended up on the second announce table. In the Last Man Standing match, Triple H defeated Jericho by defying the ten count.

You can listen to the complete podcast below: