NJPW Strong (Fighting Spirit Unleashed) Episode 4 Results – October 1, 2022

(Image Credit: NJPW)

NJPW Strong (Fighting Spirit Unleashed) Episode 4 Results – October 1, 2022

Tag Team Match
Stray Dog Army vs. The DKC & Kevin Knight

Bateman jumpstarted the match. Stray Dog Army & The DKC & Kevin Knight brawled outside the ring. Back in the ring, Bateman worked over the DKC and part of that was a Russian leg sweep. Barrett Brown tagged in and Stray Dog Army double teamed DKC. Brown kicked the back of DKC and posed. Brown landed a tough clothesline for a two count. Bateman tagged in and kept control with a series of strikes but went for a suplex and DKC got out of it to land the hot tag to Kevin Knight.

Knight came in and fired up, including hitting a twisting frog splash. Knight went for a Boston Crab, but Bateman kicked his way out of it. Bateman landed a twisting back suplex for a two count. Bateman slammed Knight and Brown followed that up with a kick for a two count. Brown worked a chinlock. Knight tried to chop Brown, but that ended up with the heels working over Knight in their corner. Bateman went for a slam, but Knight got out of it and rolled over for the hot tag to the DKC. The DKC hit a neckbreaker for a two count.

The DKC landed The DK Fire, but Brown threw the DKC outside when Brown went for a splash, Knight cut him off with a dropkick, all of the sudden things broke down and The DKC traded standing switches with Brown. Brown lifted the DKC, but The DKC rolled through when he was slammed and got the pin

Winners: The DKC & Kevin Knight (8:16)

Che Cabrera vs. Aaron Solo

Aaron Solo started by attacking Che Cabrera when Cabrera had his back turned. Cabrera eventually lifted Solo for a suplex and kept him in the air for a while before he dropped him. Cabrera landed a stiff clothesline, which sent Solo to the outside. Solo went for a splash onto Cabrera, but Cabrera caught him and got in QT’s face after sweeping Solo’s leg. Solo hit a running knee to take control.

Back inside the ring, the two traded blows. Solo landed a suplex. With Cabrera draped over the second rope, QT Marshall punched him. Solo hit a spinning kick to the back of Cabrera’s head for a two count and then worked a chinlock. Cabrera worked his way out of it and hit a shoulder block. Cabrera landed a snap powerslam. Cabrera ran at Solo, but Solo got boot up and then hit a sunset bomb. Solo went to the top and connected with a double stomp for a two count.

With Solo on the apron, Cabrera hit a forearm and Cabrera followed it up with an Anarchy Suplex for a two count. Cabrera went for a Fisherman’s Suplex, but Solo rolled him up for a two count. The two traded pin attempts to no avail. Solo rolled Cabrera up and hung onto the ropes and got the pin out of it.

Winner: Aaron Solo (8:31)

Strong Openweight Title Match
Fred Rosser (c) vs. Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion TJP

TJP & Fred Rosser locked up to begin the match and went back and forth with some mat work. TJP worked a headlock. Rosser came back with a pin attempt and the two got back up to reset, they traded headscissors. TJP did a handstand to get out of it and the two slapped each other. TJP went for an octopus stretch, but Rosser countered and kneed TJP in the midsection. TJP was on the apron and sank in a front face lock. From there, TJP worked a tarantula in impressive style.

TJP kept control with a European Uppercut before landing a series of kicks. Rosser came back by whipping TJP into the corner, which sent TJP to the outside. Back in the ring, TJP took Rosser down and snapped Rosser’s arm. TJP stretched Rosser’s arm and back. TJP locked in an octopus. TJP posed on the top rope and went for a Senton, but Rosser moved and Rosser hit a forearm. The wrestlers fought on the apron and TJP raked the eyes. Rosser slammed TJP on the apron.

Back in the ring, Rosser hit rapid fire lariats. Rosser landed a hip attack and a knee while TJP was down in the corner. Rosser followed that up with a leg drop for a two count. Rosser went for a kick, but TJP countered into a Saito Suplex, which slowed things down. Rosser hit a pump kick and then landed a running Spicoli Driver. TJP rolled to the outside and Rosser hit a leg drop from the apron onto the floor. Rosser went to the top, but TJP cut him off and hit a superplex.

TJP & Rosser traded blows and fought to their feet. Rosser rolled TJP up for a two count. TJP landed a Tornado DDT and went to the top. TJP went for the Mamba Splash but Rosser moved. TJP stretched Rosser and worked a crossface. Rosser countered and went for an STF of his own. TJP made it to the ropes for a break. TJP went back to the top for the Mamba Splash and hit it for a near fall. Rosser came back to hit the double knees for another good near-fall. Rosser sunk in the chicken wing again and this time TJP tapped.

Winner By Submission & Still Strong Openweight Champion: Fred Rosser (17:20) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

After the match Rosser was celebrating then Chris Dickinson attacked Rosser, coming in from the crowd. Dickinson bowed to the crowd. Dickinson landed a brainbuster on Rosser and stood tall to end the show.