NJPW Burning Spirit 2022 Night 1 Results – September 2, 2022

NJPW Burning Spirit 2022 Night 1 Results – September 2, 2022

The DKC vs. Kosei Fujita

The DKC went to ground with Kosei Fujita in the opening stages, scrambling for a hold as the pair end in the ropes. The pair trade forearms until a back elbow gets DKC a one count, while a chinlock ended in the ropes. A snapmare and a kick to the back gets DKC a two count, before he took Fujita to the corner.

Fujita’s thrown into the opposite buckles as a leaping back elbow squashed him ahead of a snap suplex for a two count. Fujita made a comeback, landing a couple of dropkicks, before he looked to roll DKC into a Boston crab. Once rolled over, DKC’s forced to hand walk into the ropes, but Fujita pulls him away as second time was the charm for DKC who crawled under the ropes to force the break.

Kicks from Fujita keep DKC down but DKC comes back with some DKC chops, then his take on an Anaconda Vice to force the submission.

Winner: The DKC (6:45)
Rate: 6

8 Man Tag Team Match
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champions Chaos (Hirooki Goto,Yoshi Hashi & Yoh) & Ryohei Oiwa vs. House Of Torture

House Of Torture attacks Chaos & Ryohei Oiwa. Sho chokes out Yoh with the House Of Torture Busters towel but Yoh throws his way free only to get his eyes raked. A drop toe hold and low dropkick has Yoh back in it, before Yujiro’s attempt to make a save left him getting triple teamed.

Dick Togo tries to join in but Yoh makes him poke his own eyes before Sho & Yoh went to pull on each others’ hair. It led to Yoh being thrown into a exposed corner, while Yujiro tagged in to slow things down a little. Things pick up again with Evil & Hirooki Goto but Evil’s going to the eyes before Yoshi Hashi ran in to help charge him down.

Goto hip tossed Yoshi Hashi onto Evil before everyone piles onto Dick Togo and Evil but the referee won’t count the pin, and after the ring cleared, Yujiro’s back to boot Goto by the ropes. A 2nd boot’s blocked as Goto returned with a clothesline, while Ryohei Oiwa tagged in to land a dropkick and a shoulder block for a two count.

A gutwrench suplex from Oiwa’s blocked, before Yujiro got ganged up on in the corner by the rest of Chaos softening him up for that gutwrench suplex. The rest of House Of Torture break up the cover, but Oiwa’s quickly back with a Boston crab which Togo broke up with an eye rake.Yujiro went for a reverse DDT, but it’s countered with an inside cradle, before a lariat took Oiwa down for a near fall then Yujiro drills Oiwa to the mat with the Pimp Juice to get the win for House Of Torture.

Winners: House Of Torture (9:44)
Rate: 5

6 Man Tag Team Match
United Empire (Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Francesco Akira & TJP & Gideon Grey) vs. Six Or Nine & Jado

TJP & Francesco Akira jump Six Or Nine to start, leading to them isolating Master Wato in the early stages. Ryusuke Taguchi makes a save with a hip attack, before he & Wato cornered Akira & TJP with charges into the corner leading to a pair of low dropkicks after they’d been rolled out. Jado’s in as Akira’s triple teamed, eventually taking a Taguchi leaping bum before Jado chops Akira into the corner.

Gideon Grey gets involved, holding Jado’s legs in the corner as Akira’s thrown into Jado with a dropkick and with TJP & Akira planchaing onto Six Or Nine, Gideon takes his shot at Jado with some stomps. A front facelock held Jado down long enough for Akira & TJP to return.

TJP rolls Jado into a Sharpshooter, but switches it up into a Deathlock as he snapped back for a Muta lock too, which Taguchi stomped apart. Gideon holds Jado’s ankle by the ropes as Akira threw some more stomps, then a missile dropkick off the middle rope for a near fall. Jado fires back though, as he hulked up on Akira, leading to a shoulder tackle before Taguchi came in to hit a hip attack and the 3 Amigos ending it with a regular and reverse DDT instead.

A Bummer Ye’s measured up, but TJP hits a step up ‘rana off of Akira’s back before Gideon Grey tagged in. He drops Wato with a clothesline, but Wato comes right back with a bulldog and a German suplex as the ring filled then cleared. Baseball slides knock TJP & Akira into the rails, as Gideon was left on his lonesome as he blocked a Recientemente then punched out Wato.

Taguchi’s in to give Gideon a hip attack, but he loses his focus when Gideon wasn’t getting up in time for a Bummer Ye. Declaring I’m so smart ended badly when Gideon got kicked in the head by Six Or Nine, before the Number 9 puts away Grey.

Winners: Six Or Nine & Jado (9:18)
Rate: 5

6 Man Tag Team Match
United Empire (Aaron Henare, Jeff Cobb & Great O Khan) vs. Bullet Club (Gedo, Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale)

Aaron Henare & Chase Owens start us off, going from waistlock, to headlock takedown and a side headlock.

Owens slaps Henare’s head a few times as he mocked the now clean shaven Henare who blasted him down in response. Jeff Cobb comes in to surf on Owens’ back, but Bad Luck Fale wanders in to make a save, allowing Owens back in with an eye rake on the ropes to Cobb.

Fale rakes Cobb’s eyes in the corner, while Gedo joined in as Henare accidentally distracted the referee in the corner. Great O Khan tagged in and connected with a throat thrust to Fale, but Chase quickly runs in and got cornered with a clothesline. Fale charges into his own man by mistake, then took some Mongolian chops before he took a seat on Fale.

Gedo’s in to hit Mongolian chops of his own but he & O Khan block the other’s before Gedo raked the eyes. Henare’s back, but misses a knee in the corner as Owens & Fale double teamed him, allowing Gedo to pick up a near fall. Henare catches a thrust kick, then punched Gedo in the gut, before the Ultima forced the submission win.

Winners By Submission: United Empire (7:58)
Rate: 4

6 Man Tag Team Match
Bullet Club (Junior Heavyweight Champion Taiji Ishimori, Kenta & Hikuleo) vs. Great Heel Bash & Kushida

Hikuleo starts with Tomoaki Honma, resisting shoulder tackles before taking down Honma with one of his own. Kenta tags in to take pot shots at Honma in the corner, before a snapmare and a kick to the back found its mark. Honma comes back with a shoulder tackle, then made the tag to Kushida who wanted Taiji Ishimori & he got his wish.

Kushida jumps Ishimori, but saw his hiptoss/dropkick combo stopped by a simple poke to the eye. A second crack at the hiptoss/dropkick ends with Ishimori rolling to the outside, before Kenta blindsided Kushida from behind as the Bullet Club cleared the ring and took over. Ishimori works over Kushida’s arm, before Hikuleo came in to throw Kushida into Ishimori’s boot.

A cravat keeps Kushida down, as did a neck twist, before Kenta came in to help double team until Kushida’s handspring double back elbow took them both down. Togi Makabe gets the tag in, scoring with a powerslam before he had Kenta in the corner for mounted punches. Kenta blocks the Northern Lights suplex, raking the eye before he ran into a clothesline for a near fall.

Kenta finds a way back in with a DDT, before he got hold of his book and tried to use it as a weapon. Another clothesline took care of it, sending the tome flying into the air, as tags bring us back to Hikuleo & Honma. The latter’s chucked into the corner with Snake Eyes, then dumped with a big ol’ clothesline as Makabe & Kushida needed to make the save.

Hikuleo’s triple teamed en route to a Kokeshi but it’s not enough for the win as Hikuleo shrugged it off, then hit a powerslam and a chokeslam for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club (9:15)
Rate: 6

8 Man Tag Team Match
Los Ingobnrables De Japon vs. Suzuki Gun

Sanada & Taichi start us off, but Taichi tags in Yoshinobu Kanemaru so he could do some pec popping which turned into an attempt to cheapshot Sanada, leading to the pair trading armdrags ahead of a stand off. Kanemaru low bridges Sanda to the outside, allowing El Desperado to run him into the rails.

Back inside, Kanemaru and co boot choke Sanada before Taichi came in for some more orthodox choking. Zack Sabre Jr’s in to stretch Sanada, tying him up in a Cobra Twist that Sanada broke via the ropes. Kanemaru & Desperado pick over Sanada next, but he escaped with a low dropkick, then a regular one, before tagging out to Tetsuya Naito, who instantly took Kanemaru to the corner for a Combinacion Cabron.

Hiromu Takahashi adds a clothesline and a low dropkick after he tagged in, getting a two count out of it, before Kanemaru’s low dropkick shut off Hiromu. Desperado’s in to clear the apron so he could focus on Hiromu but a dragon screw got Hiromu free to tag in Bushi.Bushi & Desperado go at it, but Desperado’s Numero Dos forces a break.

Naito’s back to help out Bushi with the double team leading to a low dropkick for a near fall as ZSJ came in to break it up. A rewind enziguri from Bushi’s next then a fisherman screw neckbreaker for a near fall, only for Desperado hits Bushi with the El Es Claro to score the win.

Winners: Suzuki Gun (12:04)

6 Man Tag Team Match
Chaos (2022 G1 Climax Winner Kazuchika Okada & Toru Yano) & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. TMDK

Match starts off with Jonah backing Kazuchika Okada into the ropes for a clean break. Okada can’t find a way through but managed to escape in the corner after Bad Dude Tito had tagged in so Toru Yano begs for a tag, and gets it. He removed a corner pad, then threw it to Tito, before an Irish whip took Yano into the exposed corner. He’s pulled outside as Shane Haste & Jonah threw Yano into the guard rails, before Yano was isolated in the ring, with Jonah’s chinlock ending in the ropes right as Haste was declaring there’d be no escape.

Jonah throws Yano into a clothesline from Tito, whose senton atomico into the ring was joined by one from Haste as TMDK were controlling proceedings here. Elbows from Tito keep Yano down, as did chops, before a leg drop from Jonah drew in Hiroshi Tanahashi to break a cover.

Haste is back to keep on Yano with kicks and uppercuts, before he got too carried away with mocking Tanahashi leading him to missing a flip senton out of the corner. Tanahashi comes in to show him how it’s done, throwing some forearms before a low dropkick knocked Jonah off the apron. The slam and flip senton followed from Tanahashi, before Haste nearly took his head off with a leaping dropkick.

Tito’s back to light up Tanahashi in the corner, leading to a lariat for a two count. Okada gets the tag in, cornering Tito for a leaping back elbow before a DDT was escaped and countered with a Tito enziguri. Jonah looks to capitalise with a corner clothesline and a slam on Okada before a diving cannonball almost got the win right there. Okada tries to return the bodyslam, but to no avail as he had more luck with a leaping dropkick.

Yano tags in, but he too cannot bodyslam Jonah so he hooks himself in the ropes then bopped Jonah in the head. Jonah charges into the exposed corner, and almost loses to a Yano schoolboy, before he got slammed as TMDK swarmed the ring. Yano can’t avoid a bunch of corner attacks, nor a body attack from Jonah that nearly ended things, and with Haste & Tito taking care of Okada & Tanahashi on the outside Jonah nearly loses to a roll up.

Jonah blocks a Yano low blow, then had to deal with another roll up as he kicked out of it then waffled Yano with a clothesline. A trip up top led to a swift Torpedo onto Yano for the win.

Winners: TMDK (14:24)