NJPW New Japan Strong (High Alert Episode 3) Results – August 27, 2022

(Image Credit: NJPW)

Tag Team Match
The Heatseekers vs. The DKC & Kevin Knight

Matt Sigmon & Kevin Knight start us off, with Knight taking things to the corner before the pair went back & forth on a wristlock. Knight took Sigmon down but had to escape some headscissors before he got charged down. An armdrag put Knight back ahead, but Sigmon backs him into the ropes before he got caught with a slam and a twisting standing frog splash for a near fall.

The DKC tags in for a double team hip toss to Sigmon for a two count as Elliot Russell came in and found himself on the defensive, taking a double back elbow and a DKC chop. Sigmon’s thrown into Russell on the outside ahead of a Knight plancha. Knight headed up top but gets crotched in the buckles by Sigmon before a shoulder tackle from Russell connected for a two count.

Heatseekers double team Knight as the referee was distracted by DKC, while forearms from above wore down Knight for a near fall. A bridging German suplex from Sigmon gets a near fall before Sigmon came off the middle rope and landed on Knight’s foot. Knight manages to escape both Heatseekers as Sigmon hit the corner, while a dropkick took down Russell and allowed DKC to tag in.

The hot tag allowed DKC to chop Heatseekers before a trip up top ended in a flying single leg kick for just a one count. A backbreaker from Russell stopped DKC in his tracks, as an Oklahoma Stampede from Russell and a swandive headbutt from Sigmon ended with Knight getting DKC’s foot on the rope to save the match.

Sigmon puts the boots to DKC from there, then went for a suplex but DKC countered with an inside cradle. Russell comes in to reverse the cradle, but the ref refuses to count Kevin Knight slides in to reverse the cradle gets the win.

Winners: The DKC & Kevin Knight (9:55)

QT Marshall vs Parker Li

QT Marshall’s right in with a headlock takedown, before Parker Li got free and hit a dropkick. A 2nd one misses as QT came back in with a thunderous clothesline before elbow drops left Parker laying. Parker goes for flash pins, scoring two counts from an inside cradle and a backslide, before a pop up dropkick stunned QT.

Li’s lifted over the top rope but came back in with a springboard and got forearm’d down. QT calls for a Diamond Cutter he connects with it & scores the victory.

Winner: QT Marshall (2:56)

After the match QT took the mic and said that he was ready for another match now he’s warmed up. There’s nobody who can take him to his limit, he reckons, and of course QT’s answered by someone from the back it’s Shota Umino, who gets a pretty good reaction. QT bails after he called out the referee, heading to the back after riling up Shota

Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion TJP vs Mascara Dorada

TJP came in with a side headlock, then a wristlock before Mascara Dorada’s armdrag got himself free. The pair go to ground as TJP held in a hammerlock, but Dorada snapmares free before he blocked a monkey flip and chopped TJP. A springboard crossbody from TJP turns it around, only for Dorada to land a springboard armdrag that drew scattered applause.

A Slingblade facebuster and a springboard dropkick takes TJP down for a two count. An eye rake from TJP’s answered as Dorada dropkicked him out through the ropes, but Dorada couldn’t follow up as he’s pulled off the apron, then charged into the railings. Back inside, TJP hits a leaping knee drop for a two-count, before some face washing boots caught Mascara Dorada in the corner.

TJP went for the mask then grabbed a chinlock. Dorada elbows out, but his springboard lands in a cross armbar from TJP before a Muta Lock ended in the ropes. TJP misses a slingshot senton back in as Dorada bulldogged him to the outside then followed up with a tope into the aisle.

Back inside, a rope walk into a senton bomb gets Dorada a two count, before TJP countered out of a powerbomb into a DDT. Dorada returns with a roll up for a near fall, before a rope walk springboard was met with a superkick he adds one of his own, before the pair jockey over a suplex, ending with TJP dumping Dorada in the ropes.

Dorada’s unable to escape a Mamba Splash as TJP flew off the top, sending both men to the outside TJP rolls him back inside to pick up a two count, before another Mamba Splash was aborted, with Dorada countering into a Samoan Driver for a near fall. A moonsault off the top’s almost blocked, but Dorada catches the counter by turning it into a knee bar, forcing TJP into some dastardly acts, as he pulled off Dorada’s mask.

Dorada’s forced to let go of the hold, and with Dorada putting the mask back on, TJP heads up top and crushed him with a Mamba Splash for the win.

Winner: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion TJP (11:55)

Tag Team Match
The Workhorsemen vs. Kushida & Ren Narita

Ren Narita & Anthony Henry start us off but Henry wants Kushida and gets him. They trade wristlocks and snapmares as Henry ended up backing off into the ropes. JD Drake tags in and traded chops with Kushida who then tried for a slam.

A clothesline downs Kushida as Henry returned to hit a low dropkick, while Drake’s back senton got him a two count. Drake’s back as Kushida’s double teamed amid a series of quick tags in and out. Kushida snuck in with a handspring back elbow to The Workhorsemen then made the tag out to Narita, who charged at Henry with a front kick.

Narita’s half hatch suplex out of the corner’s good for a two count, while a side Russian legsweep dropped Henry ahead of a Deathlock that Henry cradled his way out of. Henry gets his boot up to stop Narita, as Drake threw Ren into the ropes ahead of a dropkick for a two count. Drake’s chops took Narita back into the corner, before Ren tried to fight back, only to run into a clothesline.

A standing splash got Drake a one count as Kushida broke up the pin, before Narita rolled down Henry for a Shibata ish PK to the back. Drake slammed and hit a falling headbutt on Narita before he tagged back in, as it was time to kick Narita in the back.

Narita escapes a slam and shoved Henry into Drake,Kushida gets the hot tag in and charges into Henry, but a punt to the arm misses. Narita’s back for a release overhead belly 2 belly on Henry, while a bell clapper from Drake saved him from a similar fate.Narita’s hoisted up into an airplane spin cutter from Henry, while Drake’s Shining Wizard left him in the corner for running double knees and a cannonball.

Henry heads up top for a stomp, while Drake added a moonsault for a near fall. Kushida’s back in to slam the big guy Drake, before Henry ate a flying chop off the top rope. Kushida goes more conventional with a cartwheel dropkick and a hammerlock suplex on Henry for the win.

Winners: Kushida & Ren Narita (11:18)