Ruby Soho Alludes To Wrestling Retirement Coming Sooner Rather Than Later

Ruby Soho recently took part in a virtual signing at the Galaxy Con 2022 event in Raleigh, N.C. where she spoke about a number of current AEW and other pro wrestling topics.

During the appearance, the women’s wrestling star spoke about getting closer to retirement, as well as how she has started to think a lot more about life after wrestling.

Featured below are some of the highlights from the appearance where she touches on these topics with her thoughts.

On how she has started to think a lot more about life after wrestling: “These last couple years are the first years that I have, not like thought about retiring anytime soon or anything, but it’s been about 12 years that I’ve been doing this and I feel it a lot more. It takes a lot more for me to recover from matches than it used to. After each one, I’m hurting a little bit more. It’s just gotten me to start thinking about life after wrestling, which before, I had blinders on, ‘this is what I’m doing.’ I’m not necessarily preparing for it, but I also want to know my interests outside of this.”

On how she has more years behind her than in front of her: “This will still always be the driving force behind everything that I’m doing right now and I love it more than anything and I’m going to keep doing it as long as my body will allow me, but I’m held together with tooth picks and bubble gum at this point [laughs]. I think I have more years behind me than ahead of me, but I’m going to do this for as long as I can.”

Watch the Ruby Soho appearance from Galaxy Con 2022 in Raleigh, N.C. via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.