Angelina Love Reflects On Impact’s Lack Of Credit For WWE’s “Women’s Revolution”

Angelina Love recently appeared as a guest on Interactive Wrestling Radio for an in-depth interview.

During the discussion, the women’s wrestling veteran spoke about the spark that led to the women’s revolution in WWE, the upcoming NWA 74th anniversary pay-per-view and more.

Featured below are some of the highlights.

On taking part in NWA’s Mildred Burke Battle Royal at NWA 74: “Oh, it is really cool and I’m so proud to be a part of it. And, August of this year is my 22 year Anniversary of being in this business – August 18th, actually. Being a vet (veteran) female in a battle royal dedicated to a vet is awesome!”

On getting into wrestling when women weren’t featured as they are today: “Ever since I first saw it, I loved it. I was always very athletic. So, I just went for it! I don’t know, I just go for things when I want them! (laughs) This was something I wanted my entire life. There was not a way for me to not pursue it or follow it. So, I did…. And, yeah. There were barely any girls in it when I started. I started pretty young – I was 18! I went in with the understanding that this is a male dominated business and that is perfectly fine. That never intimidated me when I was young and still doesn’t to this day. I’ve been able to be a woman reaching great success in a quote-unquote “man’s business”, so you can always follow and achieve your dreams if you just put in the hard work!”

On her WWE release coming from “Nova” Mike Bucci: “Well, I met Nova when I was 19. We were working a Scott D’Amore BCW show in Windsor, Ontario. He was still long hair, leather pants wearing ECW Nova at that time. I tend to think of people as I first meet them so he’s still Nova to me! I don’t know if he told you but when he called, I thought he was kidding. At that time, I was going up to TV with the Shane Twins. They were doing the Gemini gimmick. He hat told me, jokingly, what if he had to release me. Obviously, that idea didn’t pan out. But, when he called me to release me, it was a Thursday and I was supposed to go to TV the following Tuesday. So, when he told me, I was like, “Ha ha! Ha ha! Good joke. We’ve done this already!” He said, “Williams, listen to the sound of my voice. Do I sound like I’m messing with you?” I was like, “Wait a minute, what?” But, I guess if there is any good thing about getting a phone call like that, at least it is coming from a friend – Someone you had known forever and someone who had some feelings behind it. It was probably as hard on him to do it as it was for me to hear it.”

On if the TNA Knockouts started this “Women’s Revolution” we see today: “Absolutely! I think that is a no brainer. Like we say, everything happens for a reason. I always wanted to be in WWE… I saw myself as a WWE Diva. I wanted to have my WrestleMania moment ever since I was a kid! So, it took me a few years into being with TNA before I was like, “OH! This is what I was supposed to do!” Velvet and I and probably like 2 other Knockouts were able to travel the world and become household names without having that WWE machine behind us. So, I think that was an extra pat on the back for us.”

Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below.