WWE NXT Results – July 26, 2022

WWE NXT Results – July 26, 2022

Your announcers are Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph.

Zoey Stark makes her way to the ring.

Zoey says it feels so good to be back inside this ring. She says you have no idea how good it feels to be in the ring again. She says she wasn’t sure if she would get to have this moment ever again. At Halloween Havoc I tore my ACL and MCL off the bone. I was told I would be out over a year. That was a hard day for me and a hard pill to swallow. Deep down inside, I knew I could beat that time table. The day after surgery, I started physical therapy and I got back to work. She says the insecurities that go through your head got to her. Would you remember her? She says she did not know. I know you can’t see past those curtains and behind there are the trainer’s rooms. I worked my ass off in there and I got back four months ahead of schedule. The night of the battle royal came. The noise you made when I came out when my music hit. That made all of the grueling pain of the surgery and physical therapy worth it.

Look at me now. I am the number one contender to the NXT Women’s Championship. Look who stands in my way . . . Toxic Attraction. The same women who took me out and nearly ended my career. Guess what. I am going to take that NXT Women’s Championship from Mandy Rose.

Cora Jade’s music plays and she is on the HBalKony. She says she is so happy that Zoey is back . . . said no one ever.

Zoey wants to know how Cora is feeling because the last time I saw you, I threw your scrawny ass over the top rope.

Cora says that she is already sick of Zoey after one week. Nineteen people worked against me and I would have won the match. You ruined my moment like Roxanne did two weeks ago.

Zoey says she held that title proudly and for you to throw away that title like a piece of trash. You are a piece of trash.

Cora says that Zoey is jealous that she did more in one week than you did .. . .

Toxic Attraction interrupts.

Mandy says you two talk a big game. She says that when it comes to this title, I only win. Tomorrow, I become the fourth longest reigning women’s champion in NXT history. Goodbye Bayley. Goodbye Charlotte. Goodbye Raquel Rodriguez. Tomorrow, goodbye Paige.

Zoey says that Mandy should put her title up against her tonight.

Gigi says that they have run this show since you have been injured. You don’t call the shots. Gigi says she will fight Zoey tonight and put her on the shelf longer. Your dream of becoming NXT Women’s Champion will stay a dream.

Grayson Waller walks in the back and he tells people to stop looking at your phone because she isn’t going to follow you. She is already following me. I wanted to sit back because the Grayson Waller Effect will be in action. I am going to embarrass Wes Lee tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tony tells everyone that they are going to get things done. He says Elektra has proven herself and Joaquin and Cruz have stood up. Loyalty is not a one and done thing. Tonight, we roll into that eight man tag and crack some skulls. Diamond Mine, you can scream that it is personal, but it is business.

Match Number One: Wes Lee versus Grayson Waller

They lock up and Waller pushes Lee away. They lock up and Waller sends Lee to the mat. They lock up and Lee with an arm drag. Waller with a side head lock. Waller with a rollup and bridge for a near fall. Waller with a waist lock and he goes for a belly-to-back suplex and Lee lands on his feet. Lee with an arm darg. Lee with a sunset flip for a near fall. Lee with a victory roll for a near fall. Lee trips Waller and hits a double stomp to the back and then he mocks Waller. Lee with an arm drag or three into an arm bar. Waller with a forearm and Lee teases a kick but Waller falls into the corner. Lee with a single leg take down and cover.

Waller with a kick to the midsection. Waller misses a jumping side kick and Lee with a head scissors take down and drop kick that sends Waller to the floor. Lee with a pescado but Waller gets back in the ring and Lee lands on his feet. Waller with a punch but Lee with a back heel kick. Lee sends Waller’s head into the apron. They return to the ring and Lee with punches. Waller blocks a head scissors and hits a back breaker. Waller sends Lee over the top rope to the floor. Waller wants the referee to count faster.

Waller with a baseball slide and Lee goes back to the floor. Waller sends Lee back into the ring. Waller gets Lee on his shoulders and Lee goes for a sunset flip but Waller blocks it and hits an elbow to the back. Waller with a kick and he chokes Lee in the ropes. Waller goes for a suplex but Lee counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Waller gets a near fall. Waller with a forearm and he runs into a back elbow. Waller with a back breaker and he stretches Lee over his knee. Lee with an Irish whip and Waller floats over and Lee is sent into the turnbuckles. Waller with a sit out power bomb from a fireman’s carry position. Waller kicks Lee in the head. Waller sends Lee’s head into the canvas. Waller taunts Lee and Lee slaps Waller and connects with forearms and chops.

Lee with a kick in the corner and a bulldog. Lee with punches and Waller goes to the apron and drops Lee on the top rope. Lee with a suicide dive and they return to the ring. Lee goes up top but Waller pushes Lee off the turnbuckles to the floor. Waller is trying to go to the floor but the referee stops him. Trick Williams punches Lee from behind and the referee does not see it. The referee starts his count and he beats the count at nine and change. Waller misses a baseball slide but hits a slingshot rolling cutter for the three count.

Winner: Grayson Waller

After the match, Williams stands over Lee in the ring.

Joe Gacy is in the back with McKenzie Mitchell. Joe tells McKenzie to use their names. Jagger says they can see and reach the potential. Rip says they have gone into a roll of inclusion where they can truly be recognized. She asks Gacy about Cameron Grimes.

Joe says he can see the pain on Grimes’ face. It is not about losing titles, but about the loss of a father figure. All Grimes has to do is open his heart and join under the Schism’s tree.

We are back with a look at Arianna Grace talking about her performance last week and how Indi Hartwell ruined everything. She says Indi’s gear is atrocious.

Indi says there are no time outs in a battle royal. If the roles were reversed, you would have done the same thing.

Arianna says she would never stoop to that level.

Match Number Two: Apollo Crews versus Xyon Quinn

Crews with a drop kick and punches. Crews with a back elbow. Quinn with a kick and he tries for a slam but Crews lands on his feet. Crews with a slam and a double jump slingshot senton for a near fall. Quinn with a forearm to the back and kicks. Quinn with a neck breaker. Quinn chokes Crews in the ropes. Quinn gets a near fall. Quinn with a suplex and a Cobra Clutch. Crews with a forearm but he runs into a double thrust to the throat. Quinn with a hard Irish whip. Quinn misses a splash in the corner and Crews with clotheslines. Crews with a flying clothesline. Crews with a splash into the corner followed by a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Crews goes up top and hits a cross body.

Quinn with a kick and a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Crews with a jaw breaker and Quinn with an elbow. Crews with a lungblower and spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Apollo Crews

McKenzie is with Toxic Attraction. McKenzie mentions that Mandy faces Zoey in three weeks. Mandy says that isn’t going to happen.

Sarray shows up and she says that she wants her opportunity because she was in the UK and was not in the battle royal.

Jacy says they should kick her ass.

Mandy says Sarray can go back and forth between the US and UK. You tried to ruin my face. I don’t care which version shows up next week.

We are back and Solo Sikoa says that Von Wagner can go. He changed his mind on Wagner. Your punk ass had to jump me. Now I see how you really want to play. Throw the rules out the window. See where the fight goes. He does not care where it goes. Next week, it is me and you in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

Match Number Three: Gigi Dolin (with Mandy Rose and Jacy Jayne) versus Zoey Stark

Stark with forearms and she blocks a kick and connects with an elbow. Stark with an uppercut in the corner followed by a snap mare. Stark gets distracted by Rose and Jayne. Gigi hits Zoey from behind and kicks her. Stark with a forearm and Zoey with a knee. Zoey with a forearm against the ropes. Stark with forearms and Gigi with a kick and belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Gigi with a bow and arrow but Zoey counters with a lateral press for a near fall. Gigi misses a jumping knee and Stark with a rollup for a near fall. Stark with a short arm clothesline and another clotheslines. Stark with an elbow and thrust kick. Stark with a running knee to the head for a near fall.

Gigi with a kick to the midsection. Gigi with a kick to the back of the head. Gigi misses a clothesline and Zoey with a back heel kick. Zoey with a knee to the head for the three count.

Winner: Zoey Stark

After the match, Jayne waits for Zoey to turn around and Stark super kicks Jacy. Stark goes after Rose but Mandy gets away.

Cora Jade comes from behind and hits Zoey with a kendo stick many times.

Roxanne Perez’ music plays and Cora gets out of the ring before Roxanne can get her hands on Cora. Roxanne checks on Zoey.

We see a vehicle arrive at the building and it is JD McDonagh. He is asked if he wants his usual parking spot, but he says tonight he is part of the paying public.

We go to commercial.

We are back with more Wendy Choo nightmare videos of her and Tiffany Stratton. Wendy drops her pillow while sleeping and she makes a fist as she remembers her elimination. Wendy wakes up and her drink is empty so she throws a fit. Wendy says she will go on the wrong side of the bed because of Tiffany. She tells Tiffany this isn’t over. The next time you see me, it won’t be such a pretty picture. It will be lights out for you.

JD McDonagh is in the crowd and he introduces himself. He says he came out here because he feels that he has to apologize since he did not get to introduce himself over the last few weeks. JD asks a fan if he is enjoying his popcorn and he asks the fan how many Americans die from popcorn every year. It is more than you think. He tells the fan to chew carefully. He goes up to the timekeeper. JD introduces himself to the timekeeper. He says this man sounds the bell to end whatever torture is going on in the ring. He asks if that is the hammer he uses. JD says it is very nice. He asks if you know what a hammer does to a human hand. You hit it at the right angle and a finger can pop out of the socket so swing carefully.

JD turns his attention to Alicia Taylor and he says she has a wonderful voice. JD shakes Wade’s hand and says he is a huge fan, but he says bare knuckle boxing has taken a toll on his hands. He tells Wade that the older you get, it is easier to manipulate the joints. JD goes over to Vic Joseph. JD says he heard what Vic said about his family last week and he did not like it. He says that Vic is tall, slim, and has a soft bone structure. He asks Vic if he broke a lot of bones as a kid. He says he can break Vic’s collarbone.

JD gets in the ring and he says he has one more person to introduce himself to. He tells Bron Breakker to come out and meet the Irish Ace.

Bron Breakker makes his way to the ring.

Bron says in three weeks, it is Heatwave and you are going to get real acclimated with Bron Breakker and you are not going to like it. Next week, we are going to make this thing official.

JD with a head butt and Breakker blocks the Big Mc with a head butt of his own.

Andre Chase asks Bodhi and Thea about Giovanni Vinci. Bodhi says that Vinci is a joke. Thea says she loved his car and he yelled at her when she touched the car. Andre says he will take care of Vinci tonight.

Nathan Frazer shows up and he says he is looking forward to Chase facing Vinci tonight. He asks to be an honorary flag bearer.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the debut of Axiom.

Roxanne Perez is in the back with McKenzie. She asks about Roxanne and Cora. Roxanne says Cora can throw away their friendship, but to throw an NXT championship in the trash is something she cannot stand for. This title deserves respect, not the garbage. She says someone else believes in it too and Alundra Blayze brings the trash can and Roxanne takes the title out of the trash. Alundra says she threw a title in the trash and it took a long time to crown a new champion.

Next week, there will be a fatal four way elimination tag match and the winning team will be the new tag champions.

Match Number Four: Giovanni Vinci versus Andre Chase (with Thea Hail and Bodhi Hayward)

They lock up and Vinci with a take down. They lock up and Vinci with a hammer lock into a wrist lock. Chase with a take down into an arm bar. Vinci with an arm drag and Chase with a head lock take down. Vinci with a head lock and Chase with a back slide for a near fall. Chase with a side head lock. Vinci with a head butt to the midsection followed by a European uppercut. Vinci with a chop. Chase with a sunset flip for a near fall. Chase with a rollup for a near fall. Chase with a crucifix for a near fall. Vinci with an Irish whip and Chase floats over and gives Vinci a hip toss into an arm bar. Vinci with a drop kick. Chase with a drop kick. Vinci grabs the flag and breaks it. Vinci with punches.

Vinci is sent shoulder first into the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Chase with elbows and he boxes Vinci’s ears. Vinci with a forearm and Chase with a knee lift. Chase with a sunset flip off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Chase is sent over the top rope to the floor. Vinci with a baseball slide to Chase. Vinci sends Chase back into the ring and he pushes Hayward. Chase with punches and Vinci with a sleeper but Chase with a belly-to-back suplex. Chase blocks punches and connects with jabs. Chas with a reverse atomic drop and a side Russian leg sweep. Chase with a kick and a neck breaker. Andre wtih the C-H-A-S-E-U stomp and a side effect for a near fall. Vinci blocks a Tiger Driver and Chase with elbows.

Vinci with an Irish whip and a Chase with a knee lift. Vinci catches Chase off the turnbuckles and turns it into a suplex and Vinci gets a near fall. Chase with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Chase misses a clothesline and Chase with a kick and a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Chase and Vinci exchange forearms. Vinci with a chop and Chase with a boot to the head. Chase has a kick blocked and Vinci with a clothesline and Last Ride for the three count.

Winner: Giovanni Vinci

After the match, Vinci attacks Chase and then Nathan Frazer comes through the crowd to stop Vinci and Vinci goes to the floor.

We go to the Diamond Mine Dojo and they are all united. Strong says this Tony D stuff is good for them. They are all focused. Julius says if you get hurt in this match, you fight through it. They might have been knocked down before but they are getting up and knocking out their bitch asses.

We are back and Yulisa Leon is on Zoom with Valentina and she tells Valentina they are in the tag title match next week. Yulisa asks Sanga if they are ready. Sanga says they are ready. He says he is happy for them. They need to inspire other people when you win the tag titles.

McKenzie is with Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Kayden says that is blatant disrespect to see the tag titles they fought for to be thrown in the trash by Cora Jade. Katana says that she agrees with Roxanne. The titles belong on a team who are friends.

Tatum Paxley and Ivy Nile show up and they talk about how they can finally settle things next week.

Kayden tells Tatum she doesn’t belong here and that her and Ivy aren’t even a team.

Ivy says they will look like a team next week when they win the titles. They are going to take care of business just like Diamond Mine.

Elektra Lopez shows up and says those are big words from a little girl. Diamond Mine is going to lose just like the two of you. Tatum punches Elektra and then as the camera shakes too much they are separated by officials.

Match Number Five: Indi Hartwell versus Arianna Grace

They lock up and Grace with a wrist lock and Indi with a single leg trip into a side head lock. Indi with a snap mare. They lock up and Indi with a wrist lock. Arianna rolls through to escape. Indi with a shoulder tackle. Indi with an arm bar. Indi with a shoulder tackle and a side slam. Indi misses a boot in the corner and Arianna with a back breaker and kicks in the corner. Grace with a forearm and she sends Indi into the turnbuckles. Grace sends Indi to the mat and she gets a near fall. Arianna with a rear chin lock. Grace with a seated splash to the back followed by knees to the back before she returns to the rear chin lock. Grace with a forearm in the corner.

Grace with a hard Irish whip. Grace with another Irish whip but Indi with a clothesline out of the corner. Indi with forearms and a shoulder tackle. Indi with a clothesline and a side slam for a near fall. Indi misses a boot in the corner and Grace with a rollup and her foot on the ropes but the referee sees it and stops his count. Indi with a boot to the head for the three count.

Winner: Indi Hartwell

We go to Robert Stone and Von Wagner. Stone says he heard Solo Sikoa’s challenge. Stone mentions that Wagner has no remorse and that he beat up a coach in high school. He says they are doing Solo a favor by declining your offer. Wagner says they are not declining. Stone mentions that Von already ran off Sofia but Von says if she wants to be a model, good for her and I don’t give a s***. I am the street champ and if you want your title back, come get it next week.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Kiana James and a presentation about what is wrong with the Women’s Division in NXT.

She says she has done extensive research on the entire women’s division and she wanted to update you on her progress. One person stands out for the wrong reasons. Nikkita Lyons. What do we know about her? Her father was a rock star and her mother was a groupie. Her education was not in a classroom, but on a tour bus. That also explains her behavior and the clothing she wears or the lack thereof. Ms. Lyons does not fit the model of what a woman should look like. She says she will continue to peel back the layers of Ms. Lyons.

Alba Fyre says when the smoke starts to surround you and you are gasping for air, remember that where there is smoke, there is fire. Lash Legend wants to know why we are still talking about Alba Fyre because she cannot hang with her. Alba says she rose back up and don’t underestimate a firekeeper. Lash says when you step up to the plate, you aren’t hitting a home run, it will be three strikes and you are out. She says she was going to win the battle royal, but who stopped her? Lash says that Alba should have stayed down. Alba says that Lash will be the one gasping for air.

Next week, Alba Fyre faces Lash Legend. We will also see a Four Way Elimination Match for the Women’s Tag Titles featuring Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley versus Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin versus Katana Chance and Kayden Carter versus Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz.and it will start off the show. Bron Breakker and JD McDonagh will have a Heatwave Summit. Solo Sikoa will face Von Wagner in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

Match Number Six: Roderick Strong, Julius Creed, Brutus Creed, and Damon Kemp versus Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo, Cruz Del Toro, and Joaquin Wilde

Strong and Tony start things off and Strong with a wrist lock but Tony with a reversal. Strong with a reversal. Tony backs Strong into his corner and Lorenzo tags in but Strong escapes and gives Lorenzo an arm drag into an arm bar. Strong with a drop kick and he tags in Julius. Julius with a forearm and he punches Lorenzo and follows with a knee and a suplex. Lorenzo has a kick blocked and Julius with a clothesline. Lorenzo with a forearm and Tony tags in and he punches Julius. Tony with a take down and punches. Tony with a front face lock and Irish whip but Julius with a clothesline out of the corner. Julius with an Irish whip and clothesline. Tony goes to the floor and Julius follows.

All eight men are in the ring and the referee wants things to get back under control and that was not going to happen as all eight men brawl until we are down to Tony and Julius in the ring. Tony avoids an ankle lock and Tony is pulled to the floor. Brutus with a cannonball onto everyone on the floor. Julius sends Tony back into the ring and Cruz tags in and Julius with a suplex. Strong and Cruz exchange forearms and chops. Strong gets a near fall. Brutus tags in and chops Cruz. Brutus with more chops to Cruz. Brutus misses a splash into the corner and Cruz with a kick. Wilde tags in and they hit an assisted slingshot splash for a near fall. Wilde with elbows to the collarbone and a kick to the head.

Wilde with a reverse chin lock. Brutus with an elbow and Wilde with a knee and snap mare into a side head lock. Brutus bridges back to his feet and he sends Wilde into the air and face first into the mat. Kemp tags in and he connects with a shoulder and back elbow. Kemp with a flying shoulder tackle followed by an arm drag and a slam. Kemp with a splash and a clothesline that sends Wilde over the top rope. Wilde with a chop block when Kemp tries to slam Cruz. Wilde hyper-extends the knee. Tony tags in and he punches Kemp and hits an atomic drop on the knee. He puts Kemp in the tree of woe and kicks Kemp. Lorenzo and Wilde kick Kemp. Cruz gets his kicks in on Kemp. Tony punches Brutus and that takes the referee’s attention.

Tony with a punch and he sends Kemp into the turnbuckles. Lorenzo tags in and gives Kemp a snap mare and leg drop for a near fall. Lorenzo with a single leg crab. Kemp kicks Lorenzo away and Lorenzo misses an elbow drop. Kemp drops Lorenzo on the top rope and then hits a slingshot spear and both men are down. Cruz tags in and he connects with a forearm to the lower back followed by a drop kick to Brutus on the apron. Kemp sends Cruz over the top rope to the floor. Lorenzo and Julius tag in and Julius with a rolling slam. Julius catches Cruz and hits an exploder. Julius with a superplex to Wilde. Julius with a German suplex for a near fall.

Julius holds on and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Tony with a kick to the knee. Tony tries for a gutwrench suplex but Julius blocks it and applies an ankle lock. Lorenzo makes the save but Brutus blocks Lorenzo into the ropes. Wilde and Cruz hit a side Russian leg sweep and flying boot combination on Brutus. Strong with a jumping knee to Cruz and Julius with a clothesline. Strong goes for a jumping knee on Tony but Tony moves and he hits Julius instead. Tony with a fisherman’s suplex for the three count.

Winners: Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo, Cruz Del Toro, and

We go to Alundra Blayze in the back with the title belts. She is asked who is going to win. She says that she does not know who is going to win but the last team left will be known as champions.

Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin say that is going to be them. There are no other teams. They tell Alundra to give them the titles. Alundra tells them they will have to fight for the titles if they want them.

We go to credits.

Credit: Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com