WWE RAW Results – July 18, 2022

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE RAW Results – July 18, 2022

Your announcers are Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton.

Titus O’Neil is in the ring.

Titus says when he came to WWE and became a tag team champion and entered the Hall of Fame as a Warrior Award Recipient, I thought I had reached the height of my personal achievements. I did not know I would reach the pinnacle until I became your WWE Global Ambassador. I get a chance to represent WWE all over the globe. It is something we need now more than ever. We need to provide goodwill. Each and every one of us try to put smiles on your faces inside and outside the ring. Whether it is helping those less fortunate or supporting our servicemen and women all over the world. Titus says they promote causes that help family and allow people to do good. We get to spread goodness and goodwill. That is why you will never hear us talk about religion or politics or anything else that is divisive. Regardless of your race, economic status, or your nationality, this is a place where we deserve to have a safe haven and make sure that we all have a good time.

That is what we are going ot do tonight. Welcome to Raw.

We take a look back at what happened last week between Bianca Belair and Carmella for the Raw Women’s Championship.

Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring.

Becky welcomes everyone to the big time. She says you know the story of the Little Engine that Could. An engine carried a heavy load and met obstacle after obstacle and moved on. That has been my journey since Wrestlemania. I am no little blue choo choo. I am a ginger locomotive. You can call me the Big Time Becks Express. When she comes unhinged I cannot be stopped. I rolled right over Asuka. When the train is coming, it stops for nobody. Everybody stops for the train, just like I stopped five women on the way to Money in the Bank. But every journey has to hit its stations. I have hit defeat junction and loser place, but I have hit legendary road. Now you can get off at appreciation station when I become the next Raw Women’s Champion.

I am happy to hear that you love that. I have been told that the winner of the title match that is about to happen will have to face me at SummerSlam for the Raw Women’s Championship. I could, can, and will become your new Raw Women’s Champion.

Bianca Belair comes out and she has something to say.

She says Becky knows what she did last week was foul. You had to cause a distraction to get me counted out so I could lose my match. Let me tell you something. You can do whatever you want to do to take the focus off me and put it on you. This is not the Becky Lynch Wrestlemania Comeback Story. This is Bianca Belair’s comeback story from last year’s SummerSlam. Losing the title to you in 26 seconds was disappointing. It shocked everyone and I vowed to myself that I would use every opportunity as a chance to redeem my reputation.

Look at us now. A whole year later and I did just that. When I beat Carmella tonight, I will rewrite that last chapter and kick your little caboose back to Ireland.

Carmella comes out and she says that you are making a mistake by overlooking me. I am a badass with a bad ass. I beat you last week and it is convenient that you were distracted by Becky and could not beat the count back into the ring. Maybe Bianca thought she was outmatched and had to take a short cut. Regardless, It does not matter that if you get counted out again, Mella will not only be money but your new champion.

Bianca says she is sick and tired of the talking.

Becky hits Bianca from behind and Carmella and Becky attack Bianca. Bianca kicks Becky and Carmella and gives Becky shoulders in the corner. Carmella with forearms but Bianca with a forearm. Becky with a uranage to Bianca.

Match Number One: Bianca Belair versus Carmella for the Raw Women’s Championship and if Bianca is counted out, she loses the title too

Bianca with a waist lock but Carmella pulls Bianca down by the hair. Carmella with elbows in the corner. Bianca blocks a head scissors take down and Bianca with a series of back breakers. Bianca with a forearm and drop kick. Bianca with a fallaway slam. Becky gets by the ring to distract Bianca on the apron. Carmella rolls to the floor and Bianca follows and connects with a forearm. Carmella holds on to the turnbuckle on a KOD attempt and Carmella pulls Bianca into the ring post. Bianca gets back into the ring and Carmella with punches. They go to the floor again and Carmella sends Bianca into the ringside barrier by the timekeeper’s area but Bianca gets back into the ring in time.

Bianca with a back elbow and Bianca is sent to the floor again. Bianca powers up again to beat the count.

We are back and Carmella pulls Bianca by her braid but Bianca with an Irish whip and drop kick. Bianca with punches in the corner and a back flip. Bianca with a forearm. Bianca with a handspring moonsault for a near fall. Carmella with a rollup and her feet on the ropes for a near fall. Carmella gets another near fall. Bianca with shoulders in the corner and she puts Carmella on the turnbuckles Bianca goes for a superplex but Carmella pushes Bianca off the turnbuckles. Bianca catches Carmella on a cross body attempt and Bianca turns it into a suplex. Carmella drops Bianca on the top rope. Carmella gets a near fall. Carmella with a forearm and Bianca with KOD for the three count.

Winner: Bianca Belair (retains championship)

After the match, Becky gets on the apron with the title belt and she brings it into the ring. Becky holds up the title belt and Bianca wants it back but Becky drops it in front of Bianca. Becky leaves the ring while Bianca picks up the title belt.

We take a look at what happened on Smackdown to offset what happened at Money in the Bank between The Usos and Street Profits and then the announcement of guest referee Jeff Jarrett.

Sarah is in the back with The Street Profits. She asks them about Jeff Jarrett being the guest referee. Dawkins says if any Slapnuts get out of line . . . Ford says it does not matter who you are because the Street Profits are walking out of Nashville as the tag champions.

MVP and Omos show up and Porter says you better be glad that Omos was not named the guest referee after what happened last week to you Dawkins.

Dawkins says that is tough talk from a hype man. If you want to step up.

Porter says he would love to tag with Omos but he is not dressed for it. He says he will talk to Adam Pearce about a match between Omos and Angelo Dawkins.

Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kevin says the Kevin Owens Show is back on Raw. He says he knows you missed him and before he tells everyone where he has been, he wants to bring out his guest . . . Riddle.

Riddle thanks Owens for having him on the show but he says he is here because Owens promised him a Mountain Dew Baja Blast.

Kevin thanks Riddle for coming out. He does not know anything about Mountain Dew. Kevin says he has not been here the last few weeks. Kevin says he was obsessed and almost drove himself crazy to prove that Ezekiel and Elias were the same person. Kevin says he took a step back and went on a nature retreat. He says he saw something that he admired with Riddle. Riddle is always cool, calm, and collected. Kevin says he does not know if Riddle has any assistance to be that way. Kevin says he does not care about Ezekiel, Elias, or Elrod. The reason he called Riddle out here is because of his match at SummerSlam against Seth Rollins. Kevin says Seth caused him great anguish. Seth used to act like my best friend but he betrayed me when I fought my hardest. I lost my best friend just like you lost your best friend, Randy Orton.

Kevin says everybody needs some backup, especially in WWE. The answer is right in front of him. RK-Bro was good but Bro-KO could be great.

Riddle says he does not want to get ahead of himself. Riddle says Owens is the biggest liar he knows.

Kevin says he knows that Riddle can think that. I have changed and no one will be able to call me a liar. You trusted Randy Orton, the biggest snake in WWE. No one was ever less trustworthy.

Riddle says he would not have come out here if Kevin was going to talk about Randy like that.

Riddle gets in Kevin’s face and Seth’s music plays.

Kevin says he had nothing to do with that.

Seth’s music plays again and he hits Riddle from behind and hits Black Out.

Seth throws the chairs to the floor and sets for another Black Out and he hits it again.

Seth poses in front of Riddle.

We take a look at The Mysterios and THE Judgment Day.

We are back and Seth cackles in the back and Kevin Patrick asks why is he attacking Riddle.

Seth says Riddle has gotten to him. He says that Riddle is so stupid that he thinks Orton can help him and he turned down Owens’ help. Riddle is stupid to think he can win.

Ezekiel shows up and he says that Seth cannot do that to Riddle.

Seth tells Ezekiel he will do what he wants when he wants. He can stomp anyone.

Ezekiel tells Seth not to talk about his family.

Seth tells Ezekiel to get out of his business.

Ezekiel says business is about to pick up.

Seth cackles and backs away from Ezekiel.

Damian Priest wants everyone to RISE for a prince. RISE for a punisher. RISE for THE Judgment Day. Last week, we chose not to injure Dominik Mysterio because we believe he will make the right decision and join them. Tonight, Dominik will join THE Judgment Day. We saw the look in your eye and we know that you are ready to stop your father. He is stifling your potential. Let us remind you what happened the last time a legend tried to stifle us.

We look back at the night the Edge was kicked out of his own group.

Finn says he could watch that video over and over again.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Rey Mysterio (with Dominik Mysterio) versus Damian Priest (with Finn Balor)

The match is joined in progress and Rey stares down Finn before going back into the ring and gets a near fall. Priest punches Rey on a springboard move and then Priest kicks Rey in the corner. Priest with an Irish whip that sends Rey sternum first into the turnbuckles. Priest with an elbow into the corner for a near fall. Rey with punches but Priest with a back breaker for a near fall. Priest with a rear chin lock. Priest with a knee and punches. Priest with a knee to the midsection. Rey with a boot to Priest and a springboard bulldog. Rey goes to the turnbuckles and Priest grabs Rey by the throat but Rey counters with a head scissors. Rey drop kicks Priest into the ring post. Rey with a seated splash and a springboard cross body for a near fall.

Rey floats over but Priest catches Rey and Rey with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Rey drop kicks Priest into the ropes and Balor gets on the apron but Dominik pulls Finn off. Finn sends Dominik into the ringside barrier. Rey drop kicks Finn into the ringside barrier. Priest gets up and is sent into the ropes but Priest with a thrust kick for a near fall. Priest is sent into the ropes again as Rey counters South of Heaven. Rey with a 619 and he goes up top and Priest blocks a rana. Priest with Splash Mountain for the three count.

Winner: Damian Priest

After the match, Priest kicks Rey and Finn gets chairs and a mic. Priest puts a chair under Rey’s head and Priest tells Dominik you are joining THE Judgment Day tonight, or we take his head off.

Balor kicks Rey a few times.

Dominik rolls into the ring to stop the attack and he says he will join.

Priest says now Dominik wants to join. Priest says it does not work that way.

Balor hits Dominik a few times with the chair but Rey escapes the Conchairto.

We take a look back at what happened between Riddle and Rollins on THE KO Show.

We are back with the video of the mystery man with images of things from Edge’s past.

Match Number Three: Seth Rollins versus Ezekiel

They lock up and Rollins pushes Ezekiel on the break and Ezekiel pushes back. Rollins with a wrist lock take down into a hammer lock. Ezekiel with a side head lock take down. Ezekiel with another take down. Ezekiel with another side head lock take down. Ezekiel with a shoulder tackle and Rollins with an arm drag but Ezekiel with a side head lock. Rollins misses a chop and Ezekiel with a chop. Rollins with a knee to the midsection and one to the head. Rollins with punches and forearms as we see how many cameras are at ringside. Rollins with an Irish whip and Ezekiel floats over and hits a mule kick. Rollins goes to the floor. They return to the ring and Ezekiel sends Rollins into the air and Rollins lands chest first on the mat. Rollins with a suicide dive but Ezekiel catches Rollins and sends him into the ringside barrier and ring post. Rollins crotches Ezekiel on the turnbuckles.

Rollins goes up top and hits a knee drop to the back of the head on the turnbuckles.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ezekiel with a back elbow and a belly-to-back suplex. Ezekiel with a splash into the corner and a spinebuster for a near fall. Ezekiel tries to get Rollins on his shoulders and he does it but Rollins gets back ot his feet. Rollins with an inside cradle for a near fall. Rollins gets another near fall after a thrust kick. Rollins misses Black Out and Ezekiel gets a near fall with a rollup. Ezekiel with a back slide for a near fall. Ezekiel catches Rollins but Rollins with a victory roll for a near fall. Ezekiel with a power bomb for a near fall. Ezekiel with a forearm and Rollins with a punch. Ezekiel with more forearms. Rollins with an enzuigiri. Ezekiel sends Rollins to the apron and Rollins with a forearm. Ezekiel with a jumping knee to Rollins on a springboard move.

Ezekiel goes up top and Rollins leaps to the turnbuckles for a superplex and he rolls through into a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rollins sets for a Pedigree but Ezekiel blocks it and goes for a back drop. Rollins tries for a sunset flip but Ezekiel drops down. Rollins with a KO and Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

MVP and Omos are in the back and The Usos show up. Jimmy comments on Omos’ size and weight. He says Dawkins has no chance tonight and Omos will beat Dawkins. Jimmy says they need to get some front row seats for this beat down.

We are back and next week, there will be a 20th anniversary celebration for Rey Mysterio.

Finn Balor says that Rey is not made of the right stuff. Dominik, you failed the test. Priest says we saw right through you. The only reason you wanted to join was to save your dad. You should have cracked your dad in the skull with a chair. Next week is a celebration for Rey Mysterio but we finish what we started. Rey will fall and THE Judgment Day will rise.

Match Number Four: Omos (with Montel Vontavious Porter) versus Angelo Dawkins (with Montez Ford)

They lock up and Omos with a biel. Ford tries to distract Omos and Dawkins with punches. Omos with a shoulder tackle. Ford distracts Omos some more but Omos with an elbow in the corner. Omos misses a Yakuza Kick in the corner and gets caught in the ropes. Dawkins with punches and a spinning splash and enzuigiri. Porter trips Dawkins and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Angelo Dawkins (by disqualification)

After the match, Adam Pearce says he had a solution. Since Porter said he would love to team with Omos against the Street Profits, the match is happening.

Match Number Five: Omos and Montel Vontavious Porter versus Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford

Dawkins and Omos start things off and Jimmy distracts Dawkins and Omos hits Dawkins from behind. Omos chokes Dawkins in the ropes. Omos with an elbow in the corner. Omos with an Irish whip and an elbow in the corner. Omos stands on Dawkins’ hand and stomps on it. Omos with a hard Irish whip to Dawkins. Porter tags in and he kicks Dawkins in the head. Porter with a punch but Dawkins punches back. Porter with a punch and facebuster. Porter sets for the BALLIN’ Elbow and hits it for a near fall. Porter runs into a punch from Dawkins and both men are down.

Ford and Omos tag in and Ford with a kick and he goes up top for a cross body but Omos catches Ford. Omos gets Ford up but Ford lands on his feet. Ford with kicks and enzuigiris. Omos with a punch to Ford followed by a boot to the head for a near fall. Dawkins sends Porter to the floor and Porter pulls Dawkins to the floor. Dawkins sends Porter into the Usos and the Usos come in and Ford and Dawkins with drop kicks to the knees and a double super kick. Ford with a Seven Star Frog Splash for a near fall. Ford goes up top again and Jey pushes Ford off the turnbuckles.

The referee calls for the bell.

Winners: Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford (by disqualification)

Jimmy and Jey attack the Street Profits and then Omos with a double choke slam.

Sarah is in the back with Veer.

Veer looks at the camera and then at Sarah. He says boo and laughs before backing away.

Sarah brings out her real guest, The Miz.

Miz says that was unexpected. Miz says he thinks Veer likes her. A great host never reveals his surprises. Logan has withdrawn his challenge for SummerSlam and they can become tag team champions.

Sarah asks what if Logan does not pull his challenge.

Miz says that would mean that Logan is his enemy and Logan does not want that to happen.

Theory says before he wipes the mat with AJ Styles, he has a few things to address. We are on the cusp of the biggest SummerSlam of all time. I am going to take back my United States Championship and then I will cash in my contract on whatever is left of Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns after their Last Man Standing Match. I am going to become the brand new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.

We all know that Brock and Roman are going to destroy each other, he has some footage of what Brock is capable of.

We take a look at what happened last week to Otis and Chad Gable.

Theory says that shows it is the perfect opportunity for him to cash in. The stakes are high and even though I got screwed out of my title at Money in the Bank, it does not matter because I always do it in the clutch. Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Riddick Moss, and The Usos don’t like me. Dolph Ziggler does not like me. It is because all of them are jealous. Dolph stuck his nose in my business last week because he is jealous.

We take a look at what happened last week with Dolph Ziggler.

Theory calls that pathetic. He says he does not blame Ziggler because look at him. He says no one is on his level.

AJ Styles makes his way to the ring, but he has something to say too.

AJ says you are making some big promises so why don’t I make a promise. Whether you beat Lashley or cash in the contract or do both, know that I’ll be the first in a long line of people who are going to take that from you. Just so you know, kiddo, the locker room is not jealous of you. We think you are a big jackass.

Theory says you are so easy to figure out. I have been on Raw for less than a year and I became the youngest US Champion and youngest Mr. Money in the Bank. What were you doing at my age? How many years did you have to scratch and claw by hitting phenomenal forearms on barefoot hillbillies in Georgia. They should be calling me phenomenal. You don’t like me because I am young.

AJ says there isn’t enough time on Raw to tell you how much I don’t like you. I am proud of where I am from and I am the man I am today because of my background.

Theory calls him an old grizzled veteran.

AJ says he is going to teach Theory a lesson and he punches Theory.

Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring.

We are back with the This Has Been Your Life Edge video package with new footage.

Match Number Six: Theory versus AJ Styles

AJ punches Theory. AJ with a forearm and chop in the corner. AJ with another forearm. Theory with an Irish whip and AJ floats over. Theory with a back breaker and then he kicks AJ in the chest. AJ lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and connects with forearms. Theory with a punch but AJ with an elbow. AJ with shoulders in the corner. Theory with a double thrust to the throat followed by punches and kicks. Theory with an Irish whip and AJ hits the ring post. Theory gets a near fall. Theory with a reverse chin lock. Theory sends AJ tot he mat and gets a near fall. Theory with a reverse chin lock. AJ with a belly-to-back suplex and he kicks Theory.

Theory sends AJ to the floor. Theory goes to the floor but AJ gets back in the ring and Ziggler gets up from his seat and Theory pushes Dolph to the ground. AJ kicks Theory to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Styles with a chop. Theory with a back body drop for a near fall. We see Theory stopping AJ on a springboard move to gain the advantage. Theory with an arm bar. AJ with forearms followed by some strikes and a clothesline. Styles with a sliding forearm and clothesline into the corner. AJ with a neck breaker for a near fall. Styles calls for a Styles Clash but Theory with a back drop. Theory sends AJ into the turnbuckles and then follows with a rolling drop kick followed by a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Styles goes for the Calf Crusher but Theory gets to the ropes. Theory rolls to the floor. AJ goes for a sliding knee but Theory blocks it and he sends AJ into the announce table.

Theory sends AJ back into the ring and Ziggler with a super kick to Theory when the referee was not looking. The referee counts out Theory.

Winner: AJ Styles (by count out)

After the match, Styles gives Theory a Styles Clash.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for the Raw Women’s Championship Match.

We have a video package for Titus O’Neil and what he has done for the Tampa community.

Match Number Seven: Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Dana Brooke versus Doudrop, Nikki A.S.H., and Tamina

Nikki and Asuka start things off and Asuka with a shoulder tackle. Asuka with a baseball slide but Nikki pulls out the ring skirt and traps her. Nikki with forearms. Tamina with a forearm and Doudrop wtih a splash. Dana with a cross body onto Tamina and Doudrop.

Reggie is at ringside and Dana yells at her but Tozawa rolls up Dana to win the 24/7 title. Tozawa goes into the ring and celebrates but Nikki with a swinging neck breaker for the three count. Alexa with a kick and DDT for the three count.

Winners: Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Dana Brooke

After the match, Doudrop rolls up Alexa for the three count.Tamina with a super kick to Doudrop for the three count. Dana Brooke rolls up Tamina and then decides to go to the back. Tamina chases after Dana.

Asuka with a round kick and she puts Nikki in the Asuka Lock.

Alexa and Asuka celebrate something together in the ring.

Dominik Mysterio asks Damian and Finn if they thought he would join THE Judgment Day. He may have failed their test but he proved that he is a Mysterio. Rey says that you aren’t the first to threaten the Mysterios. You aren’t the first to tear apart this family. Next week, I will be celebrating 20 years in WWE. We are going to cap off that celebration by showing you what it means to be a Mysterio.

Roman Reigns will also be on Raw next week.

Miz makes his way to the ring for MizTV.

We take a look at Miz at the Celebrity Softball game at the All Star Game.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz welcomes everyone to MizTV. He says he is excited about his guest because they have been stirring up controversy over the last few weeks. He brings out Logan Paul.

Logan tells Miz he is here face to face. He wants to know if Miz accepts his SummerSlam challenge.

Miz wants to talk about their match together at Wrestlemania.

We have a video package.

Logan wants them to show what happened after the match ended because of what Miz did to Logan.

Miz says he wants to explain. He says he was teaching Logan.

Logan says the only thing Miz taught him is that he had to come back and sign a contract so he could beat Miz’ ass one on one at SummerSlam.

Miz tells Logan he is the only . . .

Logan interrupts and finishes that Miz is a two time grand slam champion.

Miz mentions Miz and Mrs. He brings up Logan’s accolades. You were able to harness your in ring ability faster than anyone. You are a unique talent. You might think you are ready but you are not. Wrestlemania was a tag team match and I was able to protect. One on one, I have been doing this for eighteen years. Out there you are a big star, but here, this is MIzTV and I am the host. You cannot host this and you cannot face me one on one. You are a rookie and you have to earn it. Your challenge is denied.

Logan takes off his jacket and he asks Miz if he thinks Logan isn’t ready. Do you think I am not tough enough? I was told I could not build a social media empire, but I did. I was told I couldn’t last in the ring with Floyd Mayweather and I did. I was told I couldn’t compete in the ring, but I am in the ring. When I am told that I can’t, it motivates me. Next week, I will be on Raw and I will host my own version of MizTV. This rookie will show you who is better.

Miz says the answer is still no.

Logan says he is not surprised that you are saying no. Logan says that is what everyone would expect to hear from someone with two blueberries in his pants. Logan gets the crowd to chant ‘tiny balls’.

Miz asks everyone if they want Miz versus Logan Paul at Summerslam . . . I accept.

Logan with a double leg take down and then Logan clotheslines Miz over the top rope to the floor.

Ciampa attacks Paul from behind and Ciampa with punches. Ciampa holds Paul but Paul kicks Miz. Paul is able to evade Miz and Ciampa.

Sarah shows up in the ring and she asks Miz for a response to what Logan said.

Miz says there is one Miz. He says this is his house. No one comes in here and embarrasses him.

We go to credits.

Credit: Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com