Why Steve Austin Never Had a Singles Match Against Hulk Hogan

During a recent episode of his podcast, “Grilling JR,” Jim Ross discussed the 2002 Judgment Day PPV match between Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker.

“The match was not an artistic success. But it wasn’t because those guys didn’t work their asses off. You’ve got a guy that’s got a bad back and he’s not a spring chicken … Taker tried to do all he could to make the match a success, but it just didn’t get the job done. And that’s sad to say when you’re talking about two legit legends like Taker and Hulk.”

JR also revealed why Steve Austin never faced Hulk Hogan in a singles match.

“Austin didn’t have the match with Hogan because he didn’t want to have the match the Undertaker did. Hogan was battered, beat up, multiple back surgeries. It’s funny when people say ‘What’s the really important things to learn in pro wrestling training?’ Well, you’ve got to learn to take a great flatback bump because about 98% of the stuff you see ends with a flatback bump. So being able to execute a flatback bump, which sounds very simple, and it is, but a lot of guys spend no time on it, they’d rather spend more time on Tope Suicidas and sh*t like that than how to sell or how to take a flatback.”

You can listen to the podcast below: