Confirmed Matches For This Week’s AEW Dark: Elevation

All Elite Wrestling has released the card for the latest episode of AEW’s latest weekly show, Dark: Elevation, that is slated to air this Monday at 7pm ET via the official AEW YouTube channel. Here’s the line-up:

– The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, 10, and Alan “5” Angels) vs. Anthony Bennett, Mike Law, Kori Meshaw, Jaden Valo, Eli Isom, and Brett Waters

– Julia Hart vs. Abby Jane

– Konosuke Takeshita vs. Rhett Titus

– Willow Nightingale vs. Gia Scott

– Anthony Ogogo vs. Goldy

– Anna Jay and Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose and Emi Sakura

– Max Caster (with Anthony Bowens) vs. Zack Clayton

– Tony Nese (with “Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. Cheeseburger