Backstage News On Larry D’s Impact Wrestling Release

Larry D says he left Impact Wrestling on good terms.

As previously reported, Larry revealed last week that he asked for his release from Impact. The request was granted and Larry is a free agent. He has since talked with Fightful Select and revealed that he left on good terms with the company.

Larry said he asked for his release because he wasn’t being used on TV, and eh wanted to be “on the field,” so to speak. Larry said he’s very open to returning to Impact in the future if they ever have any creative plans for him.

Larry spoke highly of Impact from a talent, management and company level, and also said he’d be open to doing WrestleHouse again, despite leaving the company. He said receiving a contract offer from Impact was “the greatest day of his career” and said it came as a total surprise to him.

Larry noted that his former tag team partner Acey Romero informed him that he was asking for his release this past fall, and he seemed to feel bad for it because Larry was still there. Larry said there was no ill will, and he was happy Romero was taking steps to make himself happier. Larry wanted to remain with Impact, but ultimately the lack of in-ring time led to him asking for his release.

Larry said he’s open to working for any promotion, specifically naming WWE, AEW, MLW, GCW, and the NWA.

Stay tuned for more.