Matt Hardy Comments On If Jeff Hardy Purposely Got Himself Fired By WWE

During a live stream on Twitch, Matt Hardy said he had spoken with his brother Jeff and had an update on Jeff being released from WWE. Matt said the following in regards to the live event incident that led to Jeff’s departure from the company:

“I feel like Jeff was kind of stressed out in many different ways by several different things. And he just told me when he went over that guardrail, he knew he was done. He was done there. He was literally done with the match, so he felt done.

I don’t think he did it intentionally trying to get fired if that’s what you’re asking. I just think he did it because he does s–t like that all the time. There are times we’d be in the ring wrestling or working, and he just goes into business for himself because that’s just something he feels. That’s how he is. He’s a very emotionally supercharged person and follows his emotions and instincts. And if something feels a certain way, regardless if it’s the best-case scenario for the outline of the match or scenario he’s working in, he just does it. He just does things. And I think that’s one of the reasons he’s beloved as he is. Because he’s a very emotional, passionate, and driven guy. If he has a feeling, he just goes for it.”

Matt also commented on the results of Jeff’s drug test:

“He [Jeff] got a call, which has been reported online, from John Laurinaitis and they had offered to induct him into the Hall of Fame. They said they wanted to do this. I know people have seen this online and that’s not made up, that’s a real thing that happened. And he just asked for his drug test at the very end of the conversation, he said ‘no I want the drug test. I want the clean result’, kind of to clear his name, as he should, especially given his history. So after my brother’s wife dealt with WWE and the drug testing company quite a bit, they actually spoke with a lawyer and kind of had them help them out a little bit. And just a couple days ago he got the drug test back, and the drug test is compliant. Everything was a negative, he passed on all levels.”