Jim Ross Provides Update On His Health

(Photo Credit: Twitter)

Jim Ross underwent surgery late last month while he fights skin cancer.

The WWE Hall of Famer is on hiatus from AEW right now while he does radiation treatment and he hopes to be back on the December 29th broadcast.

Ross provided an update during the latest episode of Grilling JR:

“My cancer treatments are still ongoing, this Friday I’ll take my 15th radiation treatment,” Jim Ross said. “Every morning I go about a 30-minute drive and it’s longer to get there than it is the treatment. The problem is that the more radiation your skin endures, the more inflamed it gets, the more tender it gets. It’s very delicate to the touch so you’ve got to be aware of what you wear. I thought this will get better pain-wise, the pain will be more manageable as I go through the process, but that’s not the case. If you stop to think about it, it’s logical. They’re burning your skin around the cancer and it’s in my ankle, there’s not a lot of muscle or fatty, it’s on the ankle area and it’s just skin. It keeps me from sleeping all night and I’m glad to get it over with.

“I’m optimistic, I believe I’m going to be just fine. I’m on target to return to work hopefully on the Dynamite of the 29th. That’s what I’m hoping to do, and it seems meant to be because I don’t have to fly anywhere. I can just drive over there and do my gig and call the matches. I really miss calling the matches. That’s always been the most fun of my career, is broadcasting. That’s the fun part. I’m not in the fun part of this radiation treatment but I’ve got to go through it.”