CM Punk Reveals When He Seriously Considered Pro Wrestling Return

CM Punk made an appearance on the AEW Unrestricted podcast to discuss a wide range of topics.

During it, he was asked when he seriously started to think about returning to wrestling. He mentioned it was after dealing with the lawsuits from WWE doctor Chris Amann and Colt Cabana.

“At some point when I was free and clear of all the lawsuits that people filed against me. I think there’s a point where that stops, I’m free and clear, and I’m like, sweet. The healing can begin. It coincided with the rise of AEW and stuff like that. At that point, it was probably a matter of time. I don’t know if there was like one ah-ha moment that made me go, ‘Yea, that’s the place.’ I already said that the Brodie tribute show, and the way the Brodie stuff was handled was so classy and not what I’m used to. It made me raise an eyebrow and go, ‘Hmm. Interesting.’”