Mark Henry On His Conversation With Vince McMahon and Decision To Sign With AEW

While appearing on Busted Open Radio, Mark Henry talked about why he decided to sign with AEW:

“If I’m not doing what I know I can do…then I have to start looking for that opportunity somewhere else & I did.”

Henry commented on his conversation with Vince McMahon about his decision to leave:

“Everybody knows me and Vince got love for each other, and more than love, respect. Me calling him and saying what needed to be said came from a place that was like a brother telling his older brother, ‘Man I’m kind of being in the shadows. I feel like somebody beneath you is holding me back and if somebody is holding me back, I gotta go. I feel like I’m being held back and I’m not getting what I want and I want to be successful. I want to be able to earn more and get those pelts on the wall.’ It was like the coolest thing, he was like, ‘You know everything you need to know. If you feel like you need to go, I don’t necessarily want it, but if you feel like you need to go, then go. I know you’re going to be successful.’”