TNT Executive Comments On Why AEW Dynamite Is Moving To TBS

As previously reported, AEW Dynamite will be moving from TNT to TBS starting in January of 2022.

Brett Weitz, the General Manager of TBS, TNT and truTV, spoke with about the news. Weitz brought up how acquisition of NHL programming was a factor in the move:

“Both TBS and TNT have an incredibly storied history with wrestling, so the idea of us being able to put more AEW onto TBS is a natural fit. Did the NHL have anything to do with it? Sure. NHL had something to do with it. NBA had something to do with it, the COVID schedule, the ton of preemptions.”

Weitz also commented on WWE NXT moving to Tuesday nights and the announcement of AEW’s new show Rampage:

“I don’t view it as an us-versus-them type of thing. I think this is a world where they can absolutely work together and the rising tides lift all boats. To me, this is an opportunity to deliver more wrestling to wrestling fans. What we’re doing is we’re really delivering to our audience, to our wrestling audience. Good for NXT for moving off of Wednesday nights, better for us, but we continue to deliver an incredible show and more wrestling is better for wrestling fans.“