What Paul Heyman Said To Big E On Talking Smack

On this week’s edition of Talking Smack, Paul Heyman said the following to Big E:

“It’s about damn time that this Big E came to the surface. This is the Big E we’ve all been waiting for. When I say ‘we all,’ I mean every single member of the production team, Kayla [Braxton], and all of the contemporaries on the announcing staff, every member of the locker room, [even] Roman Reigns himself and I. We’ve all been waiting for this Big E because this is the Big E what will one day go into the WWE Hall of Fame.”

“This Big E, a focused Big E, a singles champion Big E, has so much potential that 10 years from now, they will all say that the accomplishments that you did with The New Day pale by the respectful comparison to the accomplishments you pull off on your own. I say that to you with the following statement: You have to accept in your heart that The New Day will only be a footnote in the story of the greatness of Big E. And if I may prove my case to you, I ask you a rhetorical question: When was the last time you saw Roman Reigns in the ring, and anybody even bothered to mention The Shield?”

(quotes courtesy of WrestlingInc.com)