Kane Withdraws From Political Event Due To Health Issues

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Knoxville Tennessee Mayor and WWE Superstar Glenn Jacobs (a.k.a. Kane) was forced to withdraw from a political event due to health issues. Kane was supposed to appear at a fundraiser event at “The Liberty and Lobsters” for Eric Brakey.

The health issue has not been disclosed at this time and the date for the event has been moved to a later time.

Here is the official statement on Kane’s health. Thankfully, it seems to be not serious and not related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“Unfortunately, we must postpone tonight’s previously scheduled Liberty and Lobsters event.

Our special guest Mayor Glenn Jacobs has come down with a health issue. While it is not serious, it does make it impossible for him to attend. A new date for the event will be announced in the coming weeks.

We’ll keep you posted regarding the new date and details.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you at an event in the future!

– Brakey for Congress Team”