Jon Moxley Speaks On Christian Contacting Him About Cagefighter: World Collide Film

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley recently spoke with SEScoops to promote his new movie Cagefighter: World Collide. In the interview, he spoke about a wide range of topics. Here are the highlights:

Christian reaching out to him for the role: “You know I originally got a call from Christian,” he began. “He was working as executive producer on this. He was the first one to reach out to me and throw my name out there for this role. Yeah, I can play that guy. Because you know the character as is written? He’s kind of a…he’s basically a jerk. Kind of an a**hole. There’s an unapproachable kind of chip on his shoulder. A kind of bristly quality to him that is not unlike what I may have been when I was younger.”

Having leeway with his lines: “Cool thing for me was so much of my lines in this movie are ad libs,” he said. “They just really gave me the freedom to just kind of say whatever I want. As far as, talking trash and cutting promos and stuff like that. We had a scene where we did a press conference and all these different interviews. Where I’m talking trash to them. It was really fun to just kind of be able to be obnoxious and say whatever thing comes to your head. It was really fun.”