WWE Says The New Day Are Possibly The Greatest Faction In History, Bray Wyatt

WWE.com has an article up looking at The New Day possibly being the greatest faction in WWE history. Seriously. They said,

“Bottom line: The New Day have been able to make us feel just about every emotion there is to feel in their time together. We laugh every time they bust out their signature “WWE World Tag Team Championship” wiggle. We’re excited to ask “WHO?! WHO?! WHO?!” along with them every time they do it in that unmistakable, high-pitched tone. We’re confused every time Big E gets to the number-of-championship-reigns part of his signature entrance introduction because we’ve all lost count of just how many times they’ve won the gold. They even made us cry when Kofi Kingston reached the pinnacle of achievement by winning the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 35.”

– The West Virginia Gazette is currently running a story about Troy University football coach Neal Brown. During the interview, he shared his memories on coaching Bray Wyatt. He said,

“He was a tremendous person and a really good player for us. He was one of the leaders on the team and spiritually … he was a great guy.”