Drake Maverick Talks About Having A Chance To Save His Job

Drake Maverick appeared on the latest edition of The Bump and talked about competing in the NXT Cruiserweight Title tournament despite being released from WWE. Here are the highlights:

“I don’t think anyone else in the history of WWE has had a chance like this on the way out, to potentially save their job. I have that chance and I’m more fortunate than anybody in the world. I am more fortunate than anybody in regards to other people in the world outside of WWE that are going through hard times and bad situations. With what’s going on in the current climate, it’s horrible.

You don’t take it seriously sometimes until it slaps you in the face, and last Wednesday it slapped me right in the face. My deepest sympathies go out to absolutely everybody who has been affected by everything that’s going on in the world, but I’ve got to think about me now and if I’m going out, I’m going out swinging. All I’ve ever wanted when I was here in WWE is a chance to compete in the ring and be the star I know I am. I’ve felt like there was always an obstacle to overcome, whether it was knocking on Vince’s door and six other people being there trying to knock on that door first. Whether it was who I’ve got to ask, what I’ve got to do, just to try and see if anybody would look at me and go ‘that guy’s got something.’”

“I’m going to stick it to them and tell the person that made this decision that you were wrong. I’m going to do it the professional way, I’m going to do it the right way. I’m not going to whine, I’m not going to complain. I’m just going to go out there and I’m going to show ‘em.”