Lana Shares Her Thoughts About The Coronavirus

Lana wrote the following on Twitter in regards to the Coronavirus pandemic:

“I see a bunch of girls with pretty nails and I’m just curious where is everyone getting it done ??? In Cali we have to wear mask once we leave our house or we get fined. And it seems like all shops are closed. So where are people getting their nails done??? And why are other states not abiding by the stay home order that the United States Government has put out ???? People are dying. The least we can do to flatline the curve and help SAVE LIVES is to #stayhome

People’s nails, hair, & entertainment meeting up with friends or dates can wait till the curve is flatlined. I hate staying at home so I got on TikTok like a lunatic to entertain myself. I suggest others do the same. Read books, start a book club, write, Journal, sing, create. Like it or not we are all history makers right now ??? How do you want our story to look like in the history books???

If we look back at history some of the greatest inventions & evolution in society happened during horrific times. It’s so hard for so many especially people losing jobs. I encourage you all to create, think of ways how we can stay connected, how to create a better world now.

WWII was a horrific war that changed the modern world, but for better or for worse it shaped the modern world. Jet engines, penicillin, nuclear power, computers, synthetic rubber, oil, fiber, duct tape, silly putty. What we do now is going to shape our future & the history books.

And to think this war isn’t against a nation, religion, culture, race or ethnicity. This war is against a virus fighting for humanity. Imagine what inventions & creations we can do by coming together in this time to shape history ??? And let’s remember to be kind to one anotherBlue heart.

To all the people either sick from covid or have lost someone to it. My heart goes out to you so much. You are in my daily thoughts and prayers.”