WhatCulture.com provided some details regarding production of the Boneyard Match between The Undertaker and AJ Styles at Wrestlemania 36:
* The match was filmed in Florida and WWE contracted an outside production unit to build the barn set that was used for the match. The set building reportedly took five days to complete and the match itself took eight hours to shoot. It’s being said that WWE treated the production unit well and it was a positive experience for everyone involved.
* The dialogue between Undertaker and AJ Styles was said to be “100% improvised” and Triple H was supportive of letting them talk as much as they wanted.
* Undertaker smashing the hearse window and busting open his arm wasn’t a planned spot. However, the crew felt the shot looked good so it was kept in the finished product.
* Triple H and Michael Hayes spotted a hand prop that they wanted to use for the match. It was reportedly Undertaker that pitched the idea of having AJ Styles’ “hand” stick out of the grave at the end of the match.
Here is a behind-the-scenes photo via WhatCulture.com:
Marc Raimondi of ESPN.com noted how the Undertaker vs. AJ Styles match came to be in the first place:
Kurt Angle told me Undertaker was talking to him recently, disappointed in his Goldberg match and wanting to redeem himself.
Angle: "The first thing I said to him was, 'What about [wrestling] AJ [Styles]?’ … It'll be the best match you've had in years.’" #WrestleMania
— Marc Raimondi (@marc_raimondi) April 5, 2020