Former WWE star Austin Aries went on Twitter and discussed the public concern over the Coronavirus:
Already started taking away right to assembly, now just waiting for the mandated vaccine that everybody happily and lines up for and blindly accepts because “it’ll make me safe.”
A perfect compliant corporate consumer slave needs to be 3 things:
1) Unhealthy
2) Unhappy
3) Unsafe
We then will buy shit OR freely give up our remaining freedoms and rights in pursuit of the illusion that it’ll make us healthy, happy, or safe.
While the sheep herd together tell me how dumb I am…
3700 people WORLDWIDE have died from #coronavirus over the past month.
4800 AMERICANS have died from heart diseases in the past 3 Days. 48,000 a month.
No mass panic, gov intervention, no closing @kfc or @McDonaldsCorp.
Amazes me how so many who’s lives revolve around pro wrestling, being so smart to how staged it is, can then also be the ones to watch any TV or media news outlet and think “but this is all real…nothing staged here.”
— Austin Healy Aries (@AustinAries) March 11, 2020