How Vince McMahon Currently Feels About R-Truth

Regarding R-Truth continuing to be pushed on WWE television despite his age, a source reportedly told the following to

“Vince loves Ron,” said the source. “Everyone loves Ron but Vince really loves the guy because he is up for everything. Sometimes Vince can tell when someone is not into what they are doing because it’s silly or whatever. You never see that with Ron and Vince loves that. I think Ron will have a job for life here if he wants it.”

The source added, “Remember little Jimmy? Vince loved that stuff. He would laugh so hard at that stuff.”

“Vince gave Truth a chance to work as a heel in 2011 but that only lasted a few months. The WWE source told me, “Yea, that is because Vince wanted him to do comedy again. He says the fans smile when they see Ron so he needed to go back to being a face. Vince didn’t like him as a heel.”