Indie star 1 Called Manders spoke with Fightful’s Corey Brennan on a number of topics, including how he was set to make his debut with PROGRESS Wrestling last year, but the match had to be canceled due to his travel issues.
Manders said, “Yeah, I sat on the runway for about four hours. One of the – I forget what part of the airplane it was. It was a part basically that – they were trying to find another part for it. It makes me like, if we want to make a rain of, like, airlines, I, I, it’s, it’s, it’s insane to me that, like, you know, like, British Airways is like a billion dollar company. Or a billion pound company whatever they’re billion they make a lot of money. The fact that you don’t have a part. Blows my mind. So you couldn’t get off the plane because there was like another flight you could get where if I just got off the plane, I get there right now. I could still make the show, but you like couldn’t leave. So we sat on the runway for about four hours and they were like turning me like a rotisserie chicken, man. I can’t remember what the part was, but it was basically like in order for it to, in order for them to find the part, they had to shut off the AC. Then they would turn it off and it would get hot as hell. Then they would turn it back on because it’s insanely hot. They had to make it cool again. They would turn it on and off and on and off. It was for four hours. I was wearing all black. I was wearing black jeans and black shirt. It was all denim. I was like, this is terrible. But hey, it all worked out.”
You can check out Manders’ comments in the video below.
(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)